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Find Signs Of Spring With Otsego
County Conservation Association

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GET KIDS OUT—1-3 p.m. Get the kids out this April vacation to explore and see the evidence of the progress of spring. Dress for the weather and plan for mud. Free and open to all. Mohican Farm, 7207 State Highway 80, Cooperstown. (607) 547-4488 or visit

ZOOMOBILE—10 a.m. Bring the kids down to see the animals presented by the Utica Zoomobile. Village Library of Cooperstown. (607) 547-8344 or visit

GET CRAFTY—5:30 p.m. Enjoy a crafty evening painting terra cotta pots. Registration required. Village Library of Cooperstown. (607) 547-8344 or visit

FIGURE THIS—6-9 p.m. Practice drawing from life in the studio with nude models. Professional artist Jonathan Pincus will be on hand to answer questions. $15/session. Cooperstown Art Association. (607) 547-9777 or visit



  1. Good Morning,
    This is Shelby from OCCA, and I will be leading the hike. I am commenting here because the time listed above is wrong. The “get the kids out hike” begins at 1 pm today and will end at 3.

    Hope to see you there.

  2. Good Morning,
    This is Shelby from OCCA, and I will be leading the hike. I am commenting here because the time listed above is wrong. The “get the kids out hike” begins at 1 pm today and will end at 3.

    Hope to see you there.

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