Otego Historical Society Presentation
HISTORICAL SOCIETY—7 p.m. Join the Otego Historical Society each month to learn the history of the town. This month, Buzz Hesse will talk about the dismantling, moving and reconstructing of his 1700s house in Otego. All are welcome. Otego Town Hall, 3526 State Highway 7, Otego. (607) 287-4095.
TAX PREP—6 p.m. to 8 p.m. One day left. File your taxes with the aid of the IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. Hartwick college accounting students, who have been certified by the IRS, with their professor, will be available to provide 1-on-1 assistance in preparing individual tax returns. Either in person or online. Held at the Golisago Hall, 2nd Floor, Hartwick College, Oneonta. (607) 431-4338 or visit facebook.com/ofoinc/