Discuss Opera ‘Candide’ with
Glimmerglass Festival Music Director

TALKING OPERA—7 p.m. Join Glimmerglass Festival Music Director Joseph Colaneri for a discussion on “Candide,” which he is conducting. Held at Fenimore Art Museum, Cooperstown. E-mail guild.of.glimmerglass.festival@gmail.com or visit glimmerglassguild.org
HISTORY PADDLE—The Unadilla Historical Association invites the community on a canoe trip along the Susquehanna River on June 17. Before the paddle begins, fuel up with a light breakfast and a tour of the Zaveral Racing Equipment factory. During the trip, organizers will present on the history of the river, there will be a stop for lunch at the Muddy River Brewery, and the day will end at the Route 7 Fishing Access. Food and memorabilia provided with registration. Rain or shine. Cost, $50/paddler. Registration required by May 31. (607) 547-4200 or visit https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064733256707
KID GARDEN—Noon to 4 p.m. Stop at the Cooperstown Kid Garden to help plant the garden, find extra seedlings for sale, and more. All funds raised go back into the garden. Cooperstown Central School. (973) 309-6738 or visit facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087305470494
CHALLENGE BOOK CLUB—3:30-5 p.m. Children aged 11-14 are invited to this book club exploring all the age-appropriate books “they” don’t want you to read. The reading list for this club is full of books that have been challenged due to the inclusion of controversial material, from profanity to LGBTQIA+ content and more. Students will learn how to discuss these difficult topics, expand critical thinking skills, share reactions, and learn about literary rating systems and their impacts. Headwaters Art Center, 66 Main Street, Stamford. (607) 214-6040 or visit roxburyartsgroup.org/event/challenge-book-club/2023-04-13/
T ZONE—4-6 p.m. Teens aged 12-15 are invited for this after-school program to de-stress, enjoy a nutritious snack and play games with their peers in a safe environment. Held Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Richfield Springs Community Center, 6 Ann Street, Richfield Springs. Visit richfieldspringscommunitycenter.org/programs/
BASEBALL FILM—5:30 p.m. Enjoy screening of “It Ain’t Over,” about Hall of Fame catcher Yogi Berra, from his time in the Navy to catching for the Yankees in 10 World Series Wins, and his career after playing. Documentary features interviews with Derek Jeter, Joe Torre, Mariano Rivera, many others. Followed by Q&A with Hall of Famer and fellow Yankees legend Jim Kaat, film producers Michael Sobiloff and Peter Sobiloff, and Berra’s granddaughter and the film’s Executive Producer Lindsay Berra. Reservations required. Baseball Hall of Fame, Cooperstown. (607) 547-7200 or visit baseballhall.org/events/film-screening-it-aint-over
TOASTMASTERS—6:15-7:30 p.m. Join the Oneonta Toastmasters to practice your public speaking in a supportive environment. Meets each 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month and may be attended in person or online. Held at The Green Earth, 4 Market Street, Oneonta. Visit facebook.com/OneontaToastmasters
BEEKEEPING—7 p.m. Join the Leatherstocking Beekeepers’ Association for this month’s meeting featuring member Richard Burroughs presenting on “Inspecting your Hive Frames; Essentials for Evaluating an Installed Nuc Colony” and guest speaker Mike Johnston of Johnston’s Honey Bee Farm in Eaton, NY, presenting “Package Bee, Nuc and Queen Production.” Held at The Farmers’ Museum, Cooperstown. Visit leatherstockingbeekeepers.com
WORD THURSDAY—7 p.m. Enjoy a presentation from featured writers Bertha Rogers and Richard Levine, recipient of the 2021 Connecticut Poetry Society Award. Registration required. Presented by the Bright Hill Press and Literary Center, Treadwell. (607) 829-5055 or visit facebook.com/brighthp/