HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: 06-15-23 – All Otsego

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Celebrate Pride At Writers Salon

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WRITERS SALON—7:30 p.m. Celebrate Pride with the Otsego Pride Alliance at this month’s salon. Open mic is open to all to share stories, poems, formally experimental social media posts, monologues and any other forms of written creative expression. Followed by a presentation by the OPA’s invited writer and Writers Salon co-curator April Ford, who wrote “Carousel” (Inanna 2020), which won the 2020 International Book Awards–LGBTQ Fiction prize. Free, open to the public. Community Arts Network of Oneonta, Wilber Mansion, 11 Ford Avenue, Oneonta. (607) 432-2070 or visit canoneonta.org

SPAY/NEUTER CLINIC—Sign up for low-cost clinic presented by the Super Heroes Humane Society. Includes rabies vaccination. Registration required. Must have 30 cats minimum. info@superheroeshs.org or visit facebook.com/superheroeshs

SUSTAINABILITY—9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Learn how to create a more sustainable, environmentally-friendly landscape while reducing the impacts of pests at the “Sustainable Landscapes and Integrated Pest Management Annual Conference.” Speakers will provide insight and instruction on incorporating sustainability and trusted IPM strategies to create landscapes that combine ecological, climate, and societal considerations to achieve a more beautiful space with less work. Sliding scale pricing. Held virtually or in person at Cornell Agri-Tech, Geneva. (315) 787-2206 or visit cceschoharie-otsego.org/events/2023/06/15/sustainable-landscapes-and-integrated-pest-management-annual-conference

MAKER CLUB—10 a.m. Bring your art, crochet, sewing, knit or other handwork project to chat, share and enjoy making. Held each 1st and 3rd Thursday. Springfield Library, 129 County Road 29A, Springfield Center. (315) 858-5802 or visit libraries.4cls.org/springfield/programs-and-events/adult-programs/

ART PRESENTATION—2 p.m. Fenimore Art Museum presents “What is Art” with Michelle Bosma, an overview of art from the Western canon, historical art, and how we think and discuss art. Springfield Library, 129 County Road 29A, Springfield Center, (315) 858-5802 or visit libraries.4cls.org/springfield/

T ZONE—4-6 p.m. Teens aged 12-15 are invited for this after-school program to de-stress, enjoy a nutritious snack and play games with their peers in a safe environment. Held Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Richfield Springs Community Center, 6 Ann Street, Richfield Springs. Visit richfieldspringscommunitycenter.org/programs/

GALLERY TALK—5 p.m. Long-time Cooperstown artist Deborah Guertz (now based in the Adirondacks) will discuss her works currently on show in “Star Power Painting.” Reservations recommended. The Art Garage, 689 Beaver Meadow Road, Cooperstown. (607) 547-5327 or visit facebook.com/TheArtGarageCooperstown/

GALLERY TALK—5:30 p.m. Join the artists behind the current exhibit, “BELLAdonna,” to hear them talk about their background, artistic process and current projects. 25 Main Collective, 25 Main Street, Cherry Valley. (607) 264-5340 or visit facebook.com/25maincollective/

CLAY STUDIO—6-9 p.m. Experienced clay artists are invited to work on personal projects. Knowledge of hand building and wheel throwing required. No instruction. Drop-in fee, $30. Clay sold separately. The Smithy Gallery & Clay Studio, 55 Pioneer Street, Cooperstown. (607) 547-9777 or visit smithyarts.org/the-clay-studio-

FLY CREEK FIRE DISTRICT—7 p.m. The community is invited to attend the monthly meeting of the Fly Creek Fire District Board of Fire Commissioners. Held the third Thursday of the month at the Fly Creek Fire House, 832 County Road 26, Fly Creek. Visit flycreekfire.com for info.


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