Fourth of July Celebrations

SPRINGFIELD PARADE – 11 a.m. One of the oldest 4th of July parades in the country returns from a two-year hiatus. Parade will feature floats, marching bands, equestrian and much more to honor veterans groups, fire departments, and community organizations from all over the region. Will be followed by music, Brooks BBQ, historical displays, a quilt show, raffles, and much more at the Springfield Community Center and then a concert at 7:30 at Glimmerglass State Park, followed by fireworks. Parade will proceed down Rt 20 and Rt 80 to The Springfield Community Center, 129 Co. Hwy. 29A, Springfield Center. 315-858-0304 or visit www.facebook.com/SpringfieldParade/
HOMETOWN 4TH – 1 p.m. Kick off the 4th of July celebrations with a parade down Main Street Oneonta finishing at Neahwa Park where there will be live music, dance, kids activities, food, arts & crafts, and much more. Continues to 9:30 with Fireworks and then a fireworks afterparty featuring Cosmic Karma Fire Spinners and Hanzolo from 10 – 11 p.m. Neahwa Park, Oneonta. Visit www.hometown4th.com
CONCERT & FIREWORKS – 7:30 p.m. After parades and festivities head down to the beach for an Independence Day concert featuring the Council Rock Band. Followed by Fireworks at dusk. Glimmerglass State Park, 1527 Co. Rd., 31, Cooperstown. Visit www.facebook.com/SpringfieldParade
CELEBRATION – 9 a.m. Celebrate our nations 246th birthday with the Hall of Fame and remember Lou Gherig’s farewell speech which took place on July 4, 1939. The day will include a plaque gallery tour at 10:30, a Lou Gherig artifact spotlight at 11:30, a guided tour all about Lou Gherig at 1:30, and a trivia challenge at 3. Baseball Hall of Fame, Cooperstown. 607-547-7200 or visit baseballhall.org/events/Independence-day-and-the-anniversary-of-lou-gehrigs-farewell-speech?date=0
CELEBRATION – 10 a.m. Celebrate the birth of the US in 19th century style with a reading of the Declaration of Independence at noon followed by 13 toasts (lemonade provided by Crossroads Cafe) as the Founding Fathers would have done it. Traditional children’s games will be played outside the Bump Tavern, artisans will demonstrate traditional crafts such as blacksmithing, printing, and more. Included with admission. The Farmers’ Museum, Cooperstown. 607-547-1450 or visit www.farmersmuseum.org/event/independence-day-celebration-2/
HISTORY TOUR – 2 – 6 p.m. Join GOHS’s Bob Brzowski & Bhanu Gaur to learn about the story of the Caboose and its importance in US labor and railroad history. At the historic Red Caboose, Francis Marx Drive, Neahwa Park, Oneonta. 607-432-0960 or visit www.oneontahistory.org
HOME GAME – 6 p.m. Local baseball team Oneonta Outlaws Vs. The Glens Falls Dragons. Damaschke Field, Oneonta. 607-432-6326.