Folk Music with the
Franklin Stage Company

MUSIC – 7:30 p.m. The Vicki Kristina Barcelona Band performs a re-imagining of the lyrical genius of the Tom Waits songbook via inventive three-part harmonies and a treasure trove of instruments including banjos, bottles, squeezebox, and zills. Free admission. Franklin Stage Company, 25 Institute St., Franklin. 607-829-3700 or visit franklinstagecompany.org/events/vicki-kristina-barcelona/
LUNCH AT PAVILION – Noon – 1 p.m. Stop by the pavilion for free lunch of sandwiches, fruits, vegetables, and milk. Children up to age 18 are welcome, as well as accompanying adults. Registration NOT-required. Food must be eaten at the Pavilion, Neahwa Park, Oneonta. Visit www.facebook.com/ofoinc/
CAREER FAIR – 5 – 7 p.m. Learn about the opportunities available through working at Preferred Mutual. Fair held at Barnyard Swing, 4604 St. Rt. 28, Milford. Visit www.facebook.com/preferredmutual/
MUSIC ON THE PORCH – 6 p.m. Live music from the Cameron Cates Guitar players. The Empire House, 136 Marion Ave., Gilbertsville. 607-783-2859 or visit www.facebook.com/The-Empire-House-79802484167/