Happenin’ Otsego: 08-23-23 – All Otsego

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Folk Music To Benefit Major’s Inn

BENEFIT CONCERT—6:30-8 p.m. Chris Riffle. Modern folk music in support of the restoration of the Major’s Inn. Admission by free will offering. Bring your own lawn chairs. Major’s Inn, 104 Marion Avenue, Gilbertsville. (607) 783-2967 or visit https://www.themajorsinn.com/

BLOOD DRIVE—9 a.m. to 2 p.m. St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church, 31 Elm Street, Cooperstown. Register at RedCrossBlood.org

KNEEDLECRAFT—10 a.m. Seniors are invited to spend time together and work on your knit, crochet, or other fiber project. Beginners welcome. Tri-County Senior Center, 43 Pearl Street, Sydney. Visit https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064543308088

FOOD —Noon to 1 p.m. Children receive free food. Open to all children through age 18. Other activities include a bookmobile and games. Held Monday through Friday in July and August. Neahwa Park, Oneonta. (607) 432-0061 or visit http://www.charitiesccdos.org/SFSP.html

SUPPORT GROUP—1 p.m. “Adult Grief Support Group.” Free monthly group open to all aged 18+. By Helios Care at Cobleskill United Methodist Church, 107 Chapel Street, Cobleskill. (607) 432-5525 or visit https://www.helioscare.org/support-for-families/grief-support/

FARMERS’ MARKET—4-6:30 p.m. Fresh produce and handmade goods from local farmers and makers. Tryon Inn & Backdoor Bar, 124 Main Street, Cherry Valley. Visit https://www.cherryvalley.com/events/cherry-valley-craft-and-farmers-market-mhf8r

AUTHOR TALK & SIGNING—4 p.m. Nationally bestselling author Mary Beth Keane. Cooperstown Village Library, 22 Main Street, Cooperstown. (607) 547-8344 or visit https://www.facebook.com/VillageLibraryOfCooperstown

BOOK CLUB—5 p.m. Booklovers are invited to bring what they are currently reading and share with the group. Held each Wednesday in August. The Turning Point, 22 Elm Street, Oneonta. (607) 267-4435 or visit https://www.facebook.com/forecoverydo

ARTIST TALK—6 p.m. Petey Brown will discuss her subway paintings featured in the current exhibition, “Passages: Creatures and Curiosities.” Free admission; park on gallery lawns. The Art Garage, 689 Beaver Meadow Road, Cooperstown/Middlefield. More info: FB/Instagram ArtGarageCooperstown; (607) 547-5327; leartgarage@gmail.com 

FIGURE THIS—6-9 p.m. Practice drawing from life in the studio with nude models and professional artist Jonathan Pincus on hand to answer questions. $18/session (cash). Cooperstown Art Association. (607) 547-9777 or visit https://www.cooperstownart.com/

FAMILY SUPPORT—6:30 p.m. Families and friends of people with mental illness are invited to join this supportive group by NAMI of Delaware & Otsego Counties. United Ministry Church, 1 Church Street, Delhi. Held on the 4th Wednesday of each month. (607) 326-4797.

CONCERT—7-8 p.m. “The Country Express.” Free. Large Pavilion, Neahwa Park, Oneonta. (607) 432-0680 or visit https://www.facebook.com/oneontarec

CONCERT—7 p.m. “New Horizons Barbershop Chorus and Individual Quartets.” Free; rain or shine. Part of the Richfield Concert in the Park series. Spring Park, State Route 20, Richfield Springs.


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