‘Iconic America: Our Symbols and Stories’
Presentation & Tour At The Fenimore
SCREENING & TOUR—1-3 p.m. “Iconic America: Our Symbols and Stories” screening followed by a tour discussing the use of bald eagle imagery in early American folk art and Native American art. Included with museum admission. Fenimore Art Museum, 5798 State Highway 80, Cooperstown. (607) 547-1400 or visit https://fenimoreartmuseum.org/
FOOD SERVICE—Noon to 1 p.m. Children receive free food. Open to all children through age 18. Other activities include a bookmobile and games. Held Monday through Friday in July and August. Neahwa Park, Oneonta. (607) 432-0061 or visit http://www.charitiesccdos.org/SFSP.html
ROAD TRIP—1 p.m. Visit the Russian History Museum for a guided tour. Pre-registration required. Hosted by the Village Library of Cooperstown. (607) 547-8344 or visit https://www.facebook.com/VillageLibraryOfCooperstown/
GAME NIGHT—6-9 p.m. Free board game night, all ages welcome. Serenity Hobbies, 152 Main Street, Oneonta.
TOASTMASTERS—6:15-7:30 p.m. Join the Oneonta Toastmasters to practice your public speaking in a supportive environment. Meets each 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month and may be attended in person or online. Held at The Green Earth, 4 Market Street, Oneonta. Visit https://www.facebook.com/OneontaToastmasters
GRIEF SEMINAR—7-9 p.m. “Loss of a Spouse.” Get help with the grieving processes from the Community Bible Chapel. Held in the meeting room, Clark Sports Center, 124 County Highway 52, Cooperstown. (607) 547-9764 or e-mail office@communitybiblechapel.com
SUMMER CONCERT SERIES—7 p.m. Off The Record. Neahwa Park, Oneonta. (607) 432-0680 or visit https://www.oneonta.ny.us/departments/parks_and_recreation/index.php
BLUES CONCERT—7 p.m. Southern rock legends, The Outlaws. East Park, Norwich.
chenangoblues@gmail.com or visit https://www.facebook.com/ChenangoBluesAssociation/