Family Movie Night at
the Clark Sports Center

OUTDOOR MOVIE – 9 – 11 p.m. The whole family is invited to enjoy a movie on the big screen. This week will feature ‘Sonic The Hedgehog.’ Bring blankets, chairs, snacks, and more to get comfortable and enjoy the movie. Movie will move to the community room if there is inclement weather. Clark Sports Center, Cooperstown. 607-547-2800 or visit facebook.com/clarksportscenter
FIBER ARTS GROUP – 11 a.m. Bring your knitting, crocheting or other fiber art to work with the group on your current project. Springfield Library, 129 Co. Rd. 29A, Springfield. 315-858-5802 or visit libraries.4cls.org/springfield/
LUNCH AT PAVILION – Noon – 1 p.m. Stop by the pavilion for free lunch of sandwiches, fruits, vegetables, and milk. Children up to age 18 are welcome, as well as accompanying adults. Registration NOT-required. Food must be eaten at the Pavilion, Neahwa Park, Oneonta. Visit facebook.com/ofoinc/
ART CLUB – 1 p.m. Bring art to share and the materials to make your art with the group. Springfield Library, 129 Co. Rd. 29A, Springfield. 315-858-5802 or visit libraries.4cls.org/springfield/
BEEKEEPING – 7 – 9 p.m. Monthly meeting of the Leatherstocking Beekeepers Association open to all to learn about beekeeping and share their experiences. Hosted at The Farmers’ Museum, Cooperstown. Visit leatherstockingbeekeepers.com