Iroquois Museum Host Arts Fest

IROQUOIS ARTS – 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Celebrate modern Iroquois creativity and expression. The art market features traditional and contemporary arts and fine crafts, the Sky Dancers from Six Nations Reserve in Ontario will perform traditional Iroquois social dances (and the audience may be invited to participate), and Onondaga storyteller Perry Ground will return with dramatic tales of daring feats and astounding adventures. There will also be family activities, a local wildlife rehabilitator presenting local animals including birds of prey, demonstrations of flint knapping, artifact identification, and more. Admission, $8/adult. Iroquois Museum, 324 Caverns Rd., Howes Cave. 518-296-8949 or visit www.iroquoismusem.org
FINE ARTS – 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Art Association presents Fine Arts on the Lawn in which artists and crafts people display and sell their works. Cooperstown Art Association, 22 Main St., Cooperstown. 607-547-9777 or visit cooperstownart.com
ARTISAN FESTIVAL – 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Celebrate the creativity of our local crafts people with a festival featuring 50+ artisans from our region. Will also include music from local bands such as The Council Rock Band, The Mopar Cams, and others. There will also be food trucks and artist demonstration. Outside the Otsego County Courthouse, 197 Main St., Cooperstown. 607-547-9983 or visit cooperstownartisanfestival.info
LIFESKILLS – 4 – 6 p.m. Teens are invited to learn to cook with Lynn. Menu posted to FB. Seating limited, reservations required. Presented by The Oneonta Teen Center. 50 Dietz St., Oneonta. 607 441 3999 or visit facebook.com/oneonta.teencenter