HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: 09-04-22 – All Otsego

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Visit Cooperstown Art Festivals


FINE ARTS – 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Art Association presents Fine Arts on the Lawn in which artists and crafts people display and sell their works. Cooperstown Art Assocaition, 22 Main St., Cooperstown. 607-547-9777 or visit cooperstownart.com

ARTISAN FESTIVAL – 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Celebrate the creativity of our local crafts people with a fesitval featuring 50+ artisans from our region. Will also include music from local bands such as The Council Rock Band, The Mopar Cams, and others. There will also be food trucks and artist demonstration. Outside the Otsego County Courthouse, 197 Main St., Cooperstown. 607-547-9983 or visit cooperstownartisanfestival.info

COUNTRY FESTIVAL – Noon – 6 p.m. Popular country festival returns with live music, vendors, rummage sale, children’s activities and more! Rain or shine. West Kortright Centre, 49 West Kortright Church Rd., East Meredith. 607-278-5454 or visit westkc.org

LABOR DAY CELEBRATION – 3 p.m. Join the Oneonta Community Concert Band and the Local 443 musicians union to observe labor day with “Strike Up the Band” selections. Admission is free, open to the public. Held at the Large Pavilion, Wilber Park, Oneonta. 607-376-7485 or visit facebook.com/oneontacommunityconcertband/

SCULPTURE EXHIBITION – 4 – 7 p.m. Celebrate opening of new sculpture exhibit ‘Mirror’ by Michael Thron and Chris Steckler. G.E.M. Sculpture Park, 12 Commons Dr., Gilbertsville. 607-783-2897 or visit g-e-m.org


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