Grand & Glorious Fall Fair To
Support Catskill Choral Society

GRAND & GLORIOUS FAIR – 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Free community event featuring live music, garage sales, games, food, local arts & crafts, more. Presented by the Catskill Choral Soceity in Neahwa Park, Oneonta. Visit catskillchoralsociety.com
PADDLE – 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Join the Butternut Valley Alliance and Otsego County Conservation Association for a fun paddle down the Butternut Creek. Learn about the natural and human history of the region. This slow moving creek is great for canoes, kayaks, and Stand-Up-Paddle boards and to introduce the kids to these activities. Paddlers should bring a lifevest, water, snacks or a picnic lunch, shoes, etc. Personal craft welcome, canoes and lifevests available to borrow (register in advance). Free. Launch is at Spring Street, Gilbertsville. Paddle over 4 miles to Copes Corners Park, 620 St. Hwy. 51, Gilbertsville. 607-643-2992 or visit otsegooutdoors.org/event/butternut-creek-float/
COLORSCAPE – 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. Enjoy free arts festival featuring artists, crafts, and performers from all over Upstate New York. Includes demonstrations, concerts, and arts and crafts for sale from soap to painting, fiber art, and much more. Held Rain or Shine in the East & West Parks, Norwich. Visit facebook.com/ColorscapeChenango/