Fall Fest with the Rotary Club

FALL FLING – 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Get out meet artisans, neighbors, enjoy good music, and get started on the holiday shopping. Presented by the Cooperstown Rotary Club at the Clark Sports Center, Cooperstown. Visit facebook.com/cooperstownfallfling
MEET THE MAKERS – 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Stop in new emporium to meet the makers behind their selection of locally sourced art, craft, food, & beverages. Will include samples, outdoor activities, demonstrations & more. Pickin’ Patch Emporium, 7487 St. Hwy. 7, Maryland. 607-638-6086 or visit facebook.com/ThePickinPatchEmporium/
TRACTOR FEST – 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Learn about the world of tractors and everything they powered on NY farms. On show will be classic, tractors, new tractors, and everything in between exhibiting the progression of agricultural techonolgy. Admission, $15/adult. The Farmers’ Museum, Cooperstown. 607-547-1450 or visit farmersmuseum.org
HAWKWATCH – 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Come for the open house with the Delaware Otsego Audubon Society featuring workshops on hawk identification (in-flight) at 10, guided trailwalk at 11:30, and a program with Deborah Saltis of the Falcon Heart Rescue featuring live birds of prey. Raffle tickets, refreshments will be served throughout the day with bird friendly coffee and other DOAS merchandise for sale. Held rain or shine. Franklin Mountain Hawkwatch, Grange Hall Spur Rd., Oneonta. Visit doas.us
TASTE OF THE CATSKILLS – 10 a.m. Come enjoy the flavors of the catskills from food to music, artisans and workshops and much more. Held at Maple Shade Farm, 2066 County Highway 18, Delhi. Visit tasteofthecatskills.com
QUILT SHOW – 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Say ‘We’re Back’ for the annual Major’s Inn quilt show, returning after a 2 year pandemic absence. Show features 150+ examples quilts made in our area throughout the years. Featured quilters are Katrina Thomas and Wanda Thompson. Admission, $5/person with lunch available for $7. Proceeds will go to maintenance and restoration of this historic in. Major’s Inn, 104 Marion Ave., Gilbertsville. 607-783-2967 or visit themajorsinn.com
TRICK TRAY AUCTION – 11 a.m. Find items large and small at the annual Maryland Historical Society auction. Items range from a woodsplitter and a snowblower to smaller interesting items. Drawing begins at 1 p.m. Held at American Veterans building, 16 Main St., Schenevus. 973-288-5158
CONCERT – 3 p.m. The Fenimore Chamber Orchestra returns for their second concert ‘Music for the Winds’ featuring Maciej Žołtowski conducting masterpieces by Parisian composers like DONIZETTI ‘Sinfonia for Winds in G Minor;’ D’INDY ‘Chanson et Danses, Op. 50;’ MILHAUD ‘Chamber Symphony No. 5, Op. 75;’ and GOUNOD ‘Petite Symphonie, Op. 216.’ General Admission, $40. Christ Church Episcopal, 46 River St., Cooperstown. Visit https://fenimoreco.org/
LIFESKILLS – 4 – 6 p.m. Teens are invited to learn to cook with Lynn. Menu posted to FB. Seating limited, reservations required. Presented by The Oneonta Teen Center. 50 Dietz St., Oneonta. 607 441 3999 or visit facebook.com/oneonta.teencenter
THEATER – 7:30 p.m. The SUNY Oneonta Theater department presents ‘Nord-Ost’ (North East) by Torsten Buchsteiner, with translation by David Tushingham. A play in 3 parts about the 57-hour hostage crisis in Moscow’s Dubrovka Theatre and it’s shocking conclusion as told by 3 women present for the action who find their lives and families forever altered. General admission, $5. Hamblin Arena, SUNY Oneonta. 607-436-4500 or visit suny.oneonta.edu/theatre-department/season-shows
EXHIBIT CELEBRATION – 7:30 p.m. Participants of the Drawarama workshop are invited to dance, talk, and view the works completed during the class in this Closing Night exhibition. The Bushel Collective, 106 Main St., Delhi.