Happenin’ Otsego: 10-12-24 – All Otsego

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Morris Renaissance Fair

FESTIVAL—9 a.m. to 4 p.m. “Renaissance Fair.” Vendors, food, readings, more. Costumes encouraged. Presented by Bewitch Me Joyful LLC at 1398 East Side Road, Morris. (607) 267-0617 or visit https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100066627968759

DEADLINE—Last chance to RSVP for the “Whole-Food Plant-Based Community Potluck.” Beverages available, Halloween costumes welcome. Crumhorn Coffee House, 2525 State Highway 28, Oneonta. (607) 437-7054 or visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/208884682520136

BOATING—8 a.m. to noon. “New York Safe Boating Course.” Free 8-hour course introduces basic principles of safe and responsible boating. Continues 8 a.m. to noon on 10/13. Registration required. SUNY Oneonta Biological Field Station, 7027 State Highway 80, Springfield. Visit https://mailchi.mp/a26d33af8067/2024-nys-safe-boating?fbclid=IwY2xjawFCxAlleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHXx0NObMpN3KYcFBCUmrZEQiSgdjvjDzDpdaZBon22-zGYBRYMKwaLYBNw_aem_svmrVqypxdOcy8EJXD8Wgg

MARKET—8 a.m. to 3 p.m. “The Worcester Farmers’ & Flea Market.” Every Saturday. Second Chances Vintage Shop, 174 Main Street, Worcester. Visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/1476590776266599

ONEONTA FARMERS’ MARKET—9 a.m. to noon. Produce, arts, crafts and more from area producers. Dietz Street, between Main and Wall streets, Oneonta. Visit https://oneontafarmersmarket.org/ 

FARMERS’ MARKET—9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Fresh vegetables, local meats and handmade crafts at the Cooperstown Farmers’ Market, 101 Main Street, Pioneer Alley, Cooperstown. (607) 547-8881 or visit https://www.otsego2000.org/cooperstown-farmers-market

GILBERTSVILLE FARMERS’ MARKET—9 a.m. to noon. Corner of State Route 51 and Commercial Street, Gilbertsville. (607) 783-2305.

FARMERS MARKET—9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Local vendors, food trucks, music, more. Continues Saturdays through 10/19. Eastern Otsego Farmers’ Market, Borst Field off State Highway 7, Schenevus. culinaryanthropology@gmail.com or visit https://www.facebook.com/eofmny/

LIBRARY—9:15 a.m. “Coffee Group.” Held each Saturday. Harris Memorial Library, 334 Main Street, Otego. (607) 988-6661 or visit https://www.facebook.com/harrislibrary

COMMUNITY—10 a.m. to 3 p.m. “Customer Appreciation Day: Getting to Know You.” The Green Giraffe, 179 Main Street, Unadilla. (607) 369-3234 or visit https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100093552282984

BENEFIT RUN—10 a.m. “5K Mud Run.” Ultimate obstacle race for all ages, shapes and sizes. Competitive and non-competitive classes offered. Proceeds benefit the Family Service Association. Waterhill Farm, 3050 County Highway 8, West Oneonta. (607) 432-2870 or visit https://fsaoneontany.org/fundraising

TRACTORS—10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 10th Annual Tractor Fest. Learn how these machines powered NYS farms through the ages of farming technology. Included with admission. The Farmers’ Museum, 5775 State Highway 80, Cooperstown. (607) 547-1450 or visit https://www.farmersmuseum.org/event/blacksmithing-weekend/

MAKERS MARKET—10 a.m. to 5 p.m. “Fall Shopping Fest.” Southside Mall, 5006 State Highway 23, Oneonta. (607) 432-4401 or visit https://www.facebook.com/southsidemall/

PLANETARIUM—Fees apply; registration required. SUNY Oneonta Planetarium, Room 018A Perna Science Building, SUNY Oneonta, 108 Ravine Parkway, Oneonta. Visit https://suny.oneonta.edu/science-outreach-activities/planetarium
• 10:30 a.m. “Betelgeuse’s Galactic Vacation: An Alien’s Search for Planets.”
• 11:30 a.m. “The Sky Tonight.”

EXHIBIT—11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Outsider art “CrazyCool Part II: Extended.” Open each Saturday in October. The Art Garage, 689 Beaver Meadow Road, Cooperstown. (607) 547-5327 or visit https://www.facebook.com/TheArtGarageCooperstown/

MUSEUM—11 a.m. “Tour & Storytime for Families.” Included with museum admission. Held each Saturday in October. Fenimore Art Museum, 5798 State Highway 80, Cooperstown. (607) 547-1400 or visit https://fenimoreartmuseum.org/

KIDS WORKSHOP—1-3:30 p.m. “Board Game Making Workshop for Kids.” Open to children aged 8-12. Fees apply; registration required. Fenimore Art Museum, 5798 State Highway 80, Cooperstown. (607) 547-1400 or visit https://fenimoreartmuseum.org/

REPAIR—1-4 p.m. “Oneonta Repair Café.” Presented by the Otsego ReUse Center at 77 Main Street, Oneonta. (607) 353-7831 or visit https://www.facebook.com/OtsegoReUseCenter

REVOLUTION—2 p.m. “Rendezvous with Treason.” Dramatic program presented by the Iroquois Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Wieting Theatre, Main Street, Worcester. Visit https://www.facebook.com/IroquoisChapterNSDAR/

FALL FESTIVAL—2:30 p.m. Trunk or Treat. Includes costume contest, BBQ, s’mores and prizes. Gilbert Lake State Park, 18 CCC Road, Laurens. (607) 432-2114 or visit https://www.facebook.com/GilbertLakeStatePark

WORKSHOPS—2-4 p.m. “Promoting Art & Culture.” Presented by Cassandra Miller, founder and president of Culture Rally. Fees apply; registration required. Community Arts Network of Oneonta, Wilber Mansion, 11 Ford Avenue, Oneonta. Visit https://www.canoneonta.org/fallworkshops

FUNDRAISER—5-8 p.m. “Annual Art Auction.” Music, refreshments and more. Proceeds benefit the West Kortright Center. Held at River Rock Events, 739 County Road 18, Delhi. (607) 278-5454 or visit https://www.westkc.org/

GHOST TOUR—5:30 p.m. “Things That Go Bump in the Night.” Six tours each night (last one departs at 8 p.m.). Fees apply; registration required. Also held 10/18, 10/19, 10/25 and 10/26. The Farmers’ Museum, 5775 State Highway 80, Cooperstown. (607) 547-1450 or visit https://www.farmersmuseum.org/

POTLUCK DINNER—6:30 p.m. Fly Creek United Methodist Church, Downstairs Fellowship Hall, 852 County Road 26, Fly Creek. 

HALLOWEEN—7-10 p.m. “Orange County NY Paranormal.” Hear the evidence from the paranormal team, followed by the chance to conduct your own investigation. Hyde Hall, 267 Glimmerglass State Park Road, Cooperstown. (607) 547-5098 or visit https://hydehall.org/

THEATRE—8 p.m. Broadway-direct screening of “Wise Children.” Fees apply. Red Dragon Theatre, Hunt Union, SUNY Oneonta, 108 Ravine Parkway, Oneonta. Campus_activities@oneonta.edu or visit https://connect.oneonta.edu/events

THEATER—8 p.m. “Dracula: A Comedy of Terrors.” Presented by Bigger Dreams Productions. Fees apply. Also showing 10/13 at 2 p.m. Foothills Performing Arts and Civic Center, 24 Market Street, Oneonta. (607) 431-2080 or visit https://www.foothillspac.org/

Click here to read the FULL CALENDAR


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