Pumpkin Glow at Cooperstown Library

PUMPKIN GLOW—6-7 p.m. Create a Jack-O-Lantern for display and then see what the neighbors made. Held on the steps of the Cooperstown Art Association, 22 Main Street, Cooperstown. (607) 547-9777 or visit https://www.cooperstownart.com/
FUNDRAISER—8-11 a.m. “Ambulance Fundraiser Breakfast.” Help the Gilbertsville Emergency Squad raise money for a new ambulance. Featuring fluffy pancakes, tasty syrups and good company. Baptist Church Fellowship Hall, Spring Street, Gilbertsville. (607) 783-2520 or visit https://www.facebook.com/GilbertsvilleVolunteerFire
FUNDRAISER—10 a.m. “Dine Out For A Cause.” Enjoy a meal and support Helios Care programs. The Tulip and The Rose, 435 Main Street, Franklin. (607) 432-6773 or visit https://www.helioscare.org/all-events/dine-out-for-a-cause/
HALLOWEEN—Noon to 3 p.m. “Malloween.” Halloween fun featuring a costume contest at 1 (cutest, scariest and original), face painting, trick-or-treating, more. Southside Mall, 5006 State Highway 23, Oneonta. (607) 432-4401 or visit https://www.facebook.com/southsidemall/
TRICK OR TREAT—Noon. Family friendly trick or treat on the train. Features scenic ride to O’Neill Station. All ages are welcome to come in costume. $25/adult. Registration required. Cooperstown-Charlotte Valley Railroad, departing from 136 County Route 166, Milford. (607) 432-2429 or visit https://www.lrhs.com/
FESTIVAL—1-4 p.m. “October Community Fun Day/Halloween Party.” Fun for the whole family, featuring free food, crafts, bouncy houses, prizes, more. Costumes optional. Bring old costumes to donate and get an extra prize ticket. Richfield Springs Community Center, 6 Ann Street, Richfield Springs. (315) 858-3200 or visit https://www.facebook.com/richfieldspringscommunitycenter
HALLOWEEN RUN—1-3 p.m. “Coop Loop 5K and 10K.” Run through scenic Cooperstown this Halloween season. Includes costume contest in categories from scariest to funniest and more. Cost: 5K is $20, 10K is $25. Begins and ends at Clark Sports Center, 124 County Route 52, Cooperstown. (607) 547-2800 or visit https://www.clarksportscenter.com/
HISTORICAL SOCIETY—2 p.m. “Elk Creek History.” Presentation on the original settlers, organization, social life, businesses, and surprising events of Elk Creek. All welcome. Town of Maryland Historical Society, AmVets Hall, 16 Main Street, Schenevus. (606) 638-9343 or visit the Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/291944741443454/
DECORATION—2-4 p.m. “Halloween Kid’s Cupcake Decorating Class.” $25. All supplies included. Registration required. Kings Kakery at Foothills Performing Arts and Civic Center, 24 Market Street, Oneonta. (607) 431-3798 or visit https://www.facebook.com/Kingskakery
OUTDOORS—2-4 p.m. “Mushroom Walk.” Otsego County Conservation Association presents its fourth mushroom walk with local forager Margret Grebowicz. Open to first-time participants. Dress for the weather and be ready for mud. Vibbard Road, Cooperstown. (607) 547-4488 or visit https://www.occainfo.org/calendar/mushroom-walk
WALKING TOUR—3 p.m. “Part II: Walking Tour of Walnut Street Historic District.” Meet at Community Arts Network of Oneonta, Wilber Mansion, 11 Ford Avenue, Oneonta. (607) 432-0960 or visit https://www.facebook.com/OneontaHistory/
RAILWAY—4:30 p.m. “Count-Trackula’s Spooky Halloween Tour” presented by Rail Explorers USA. 8 mile round trip featuring majestic views, ghostly sightings and true spooky ghost stories of the Milford area. All ages welcome. Tickets, $90. Charlotte Valley Railroad, 136 East Main Street, Milford. (877) 833-8588 or visit https://www.railexplorers.net/tours/cooperstown
CHURCH—5 p.m. “Reformation Day Psalm Sing.” Join Oneonta Reformed Presbyterian Church to give thanks through psalm singing. All welcome. Refreshments to follow. Red Door Church, 2 Walling Avenue, Oneonta. E-mail Oneontareformed@gmail.com or visit Facebook.com/oneontareformed
EXHIBIT TALK—5 p.m. “Artist Talk: WATER.” Cherry Valley Water Project artists discuss their work. 25 Main Collective, 25 Main Street, Cherry Valley. (607) 264-5340 or visit https://www.facebook.com/25maincollective/