HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: 11-08-22 – All Otsego

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ELECTION – 6 a.m. – 9 p.m. Vote for your preferred candidates in this years general election. Visit otsegocounty.com/departments/board_of_elections/index.php for where to vote, sample ballots, and more.

COMMUNITY HIKE – 9:45 a.m. The community is invited for a group hike with the Susquehanna Chapter of the Adirondak Mountain Club. Please bring appropriate clothing, gear, and enough water to stay hydrated and be aware of your level of fitness. Contact hike leader for more information. This weeks hike will be at Gilbert Lake State Park, Laurens, with hike leaders Jim and Carolyn Austin. (607) 435-3157 or visit susqadk.org

SUPPORT GROUP – 5:30 p.m. Free drop-in support group for community members aged 18+ to cope with grief and loss as facilitated by specifically trained staff. This is a safe space to understand the grief process, make sense of strong emotions, and learn from other community members. Hosted by Helios Care at the First Presbyterian Church, 25 Church St., Cooperstown. 607-432-5525 or visit www.helioscare.org

WRITING GROUP – 6:30 p.m. Bring your notebooks, pens/pencils and be ready to share your writing in a supportive writing group. Springfield Library, 129 Co. Rd. 29A, Springfield. 315-858-5802 or visit libraries.4cls.org/springfield/


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