Red Dragon Reading Series Returns
READING SERIES – 730 p.m. The Red Dragon Reading Series presents author J. L. Torres whose most recent work Migrations, won the inaugural Tomás Rivera Book Prize. Other publications include ‘The Accidental Native,’ ‘The Family Terrorist and Other Stories,’ and a poetry collection titled ‘Boricua Passport.’ Presentation is free, open to the public. Craven Lounge, Morris Conference Cente, SUNY Oneonta. Visit suny.oneonta.edu/english/red-dragon-reading-series
THEATER – 7:30 p.m. The SUNY Oneonta Theater department presents ‘Sweat’ by Lynn Nottage. The play focuses on the drama between friends when one become a manager, the other does not, then the union goes on strike while the management locks out the workers and the labor and racial tension begins to affect the 2 womens friendship. General admission, $5. Goodrich Theater, SUNY Oneonta. 607-436-4500 or visit suny.oneonta.edu/theatre-department/season-shows