‘Twas The Night Before Christmas’
Discussion at The Fenimore Art Museum

A CHRISTMAS STORY—11:30 a.m. Join author Pamela McColl for a reading of the famous poem ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas” and to learn the history of the poem from the first time it was read in 1822, to the many modern publishers, the artists who have been inspired by the poem, the life of the author and the connections between Mr. Clement C. Moore and other American authors like James Fenimore Cooper. Included with museum admission. The Fenimore Art Museum, Cooperstown. (607) 547-1400 or visit fenimoreartmuseum.org
BE AN ANGEL – The community is invited to adopt a family and then find Christmas gifts for each of the children listed. Gifts are due unwrapped and without tags to either the office of The Freeman’s Journal at 21 Railroad Ave. in Cooperstown, or at the Salvation Army Church at 25 River St. in Oneonta. Visit allotsego.com/angel-tree-program/ for details
COMMUNITY HIKE – 9:45 a.m. The community is invited for a group hike with the Susquehanna Chapter of the Adirondak Mountain Club. Please bring appropriate clothing, gear, and enough water to stay hydrated and be aware of your level of fitness. Contact hike leader for more information. This weeks hike will by at Upper Riddell , with hike leader Liza Mundy with Jeff O’Handley presenting on the Wooly Adelgid. (607) 286-7609 or visit susqadk.org