HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: 12-02-22 – All Otsego

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Cherry Valley Marks
Beginning Of Holiday Season

HOLIDAY WEEKEND—10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Visit the shops of Cherry Valley throughout the day with a tree lighting from 5-8 attended by Santa, The Happy Haggs, a fire juggler, as well as live music and entertainment at various locations throughout the village. Cherry Valley. Visit cherryvalley.com/events/cherry-valley-holiday-weekend

HOLIDAY MARKET—5-8 p.m. The holiday season has arrived and the gallery at 25 Main is celebrating the opening of the Holiday Marketplace (open through 12/24). Open house includes refreshments, tree and business light-up, and a kick-off for the Cherry Valley Holiday Weekend. 25 Main Collective, 25 Main Street, Cherry Valley. (607) 264-5340 or visit facebook.com/25maincollective

HOLIDAY OPEN MIC—6 p.m. Stop in for the first Friday open mic featuring local artists sharing original poems, song, dance, short story and much more. Children present first, followed by adults. The theme this month “Family Traditions.” Admission is by donation. Enjoy this vibrant evening and stop at the other art, shops, and more this first Friday. The Telegraph School, 83 Alden Street, Cherry Valley. Visit thetelegraphschool.org

BLOOD DRIVE—1:30-6:30 p.m. Save up to three lives with the American Red Cross. Unadilla Community, 77 Clifton Street, Unadilla. Register at redcrossblood.org

BE AN ANGEL – The community is invited to adopt a family and then find Christmas gifts for each of the children listed. Gifts are due unwrapped and without tags to either the office of The Freeman’s Journal at 21 Railroad Ave. in Cooperstown, or at the Salvation Army Church at 25 River St. in Oneonta. Visit allotsego.com/angel-tree-program/ for details

WALKING CLUB—10:30-11:30 a.m. All are invited to walk on the gym floor and track with friends old and new while listening to music from the 60s & 70s. Free to those aged 62+. Clark Sports Center, Cooperstown. (607) 547-2800 or visit clarksportscenter.com

VISIT WITH SANTA—3-5 p.m. Visit with Santa in Cooperstown to tell him all about your Christmas wishlist. Santa’s Cottage, Pioneer Park, Cooperstown. Visit facebook.com/cooperstownchamber.

CANDLELIGHT TOUR—3-8 p.m. Explore the historic village in its winter finery in an hour-long tour. Guides will take guests around the sparkling grounds by lantern light and share stories of Decembers past, Christmas stories, and how the holidays were celebrated in Upstate New York. Limited to 14/tour. Registration required. Tickets, $20/adult. The Farmers’ Museum, Cooperstown. (607) 547-1450 or visit farmersmuseum.org

FESTIVAL OF TREES—5-7 p.m. Decorate your own 6-ft. artificial Christmas tree (must include, but not limited to, a garland, lights, tree topper, skirt, and ornaments), sponsor a tree to be decorated on your behalf ($150), and enter to win your favorite tree in the raffle on 12/3. Come see the holiday creativity on display. Held at the Foothills Performing Arts and Civic Center, Oneonta. (607) 376-7599 or visit destinationoneonta.com/holiday-fun

CHRISTMAS CONCERT—7 p.m. Catskill Choral Society holds their Christmas Concert for the first time in three years. “Christmas with Brass” concert features the choir with 11 piece brass ensemble, piccolo, and percussion performing “12 Days of Christmas,” “Christmas Cantata,” and “The Angel Choir and The Trumpeter.” Tickets, $25/adult & $20/senior. First United Methodist Church, 66 Chestnut Street, Oneonta. (607) 435-7008 or visit catskillchoralsociety.com

PLANETARIUM NIGHT—7 p.m. The public is invited to explore the cosmos with the powerful Digistar 6 digital planetarium system in a show hosted by SUNY Oneonta faculty, staff and students. Free, open to the public. Registration REQUIRED. A. J. Read Science Discovery Center, SUNY Oneonta. Visit facebook.com/AJReadSDC/


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