HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: ‘Albrecht Dürer: Master Prints’ Exhibit Virtual Tour With Curator 09-29-20 – All Otsego

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‘Albrecht Dürer: Master Prints’

Exhibit Virtual Tour With Curator


VIRTUAL TOUR – 2 p.m. Zoom meeting featuring walk through of exhibit ‘Albrecht Dürer: Master Prints’ with Assistant Curator of American Art Ann Cannon featuring in-depth discussion and Q&A session. Free, registration required. Suggested donation $5. Fenimore Art Museum, Cooperstown. 607-547-1400 or visit www.fenimoreartmuseum.org

DEADLINE – Last day to submit images for Earlville Opera House virtual quilt show. Up to 4 submissions. Visit website for submission information. Visit www.earlvilleoperahouse.com for info.

STORYTIME – 10 a.m. Children aged 2-8 join Ms. Kathryn on Facebook Live for reading, singing, more all on the fall season. Presented by Huntington Memorial Library. 607-432-1980 or visit www.facebook.com/hmloneonta/

BLOOD DRIVE – Noon – 5 p.m. Donate blood, help save lives. Elm Park Methodist Church, 401 Chestnut St., Oneonta. 800-733-2767 or visit www.redcrossblood.org

AUTHOR SERIES – 1 p.m. Presentation by James Buckley, author of ‘The National Baseball Hall of Fame Collection’ which tells the stories of the hall of fame inductees throughout the years. Includes sections on Derek Jeter and other 2020 inductees. Concludes with Q&A session. Free Zoom conference, registration required. Presented by Baseball Hall of Fame. 607-547-7200 or visit baseballhall.org/events/virtual-author-series-james-buckley?date=0

BLOOD DRIVE – 1 – 6 p.m. Donate blood, help save lives. Wells Bridge Fire Department, 104 Co. Hwy. 4, Wells Bridge. 800-733-2767 or visit www.redcrossblood.org

BOOK CLUB – 7 p.m. Join the group online to discuss this months novel ‘The End of the World Running Club’ by Adrian J. Walker, about a fathers journey through the apocalypse to return to his family. Hosted by Huntington Memorial Library. Visit www.facebook.com/hmloneonta/ for info.



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