HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Autumn Festivals 09-18-21 – All Otsego

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Autumn Festivals


HARVEST CELEBRATION – 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Celebrate the harvest season in 1800s style. walk around the historic village, learn from the historic interpreters and enjoy the activities fall activities from wagon rides, to corn shelling/grinding, and tinsmithing with the blacksmith, and more. Included with admission. The Farmers’ Museum, Cooperstown. 607-547-1450 or visit www.farmersmuseum.org/event/celebration-of-autumn/

GARLIC FESTIVAL – 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. The Susquehanna Valley Garlic Festival returns with local growers selling many varieties of garlic for eating or planting. Will also include music, food, and other garlic related vendors. Free, donations appreciated. Wood Bull Antiques, 3920 Co. Hwy. 28, Milford. Visit svgarlicfestival.com

CRAFT FESTIVAL – 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Crafters from near and far come to show and sell their handmade items. Event takes the place of the June Friendship Craft Festival which was cancelled these past 2 years. There will be food available on site from the Richfield Youth Sports. Event is coordinated by the Women’s Guild of the Church of Christ Uniting. Held at The Cullen Pumpkin Farm, 587 Cullen Rd., Richfield Springs. 315-858-1451 or visit rschurchofchristuniting.com

FALL PLANT SALE – 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Come find plants that can get in the ground in the fall to get a jump on the spring growing season. Presented by The Garden Club of Richfield Springs at Richfield Springs Public Library, 102 Main St., Richfield Springs. 315-858-0230 or visit www.facebook.com/Richfield-Springs-Public-Library-1068210423236404/

MEET & GREET – Noon – 3 p.m. Residents of Middlefield are invited for authentic southern-style BBQ lunch with the Republican candidates for the Middlefield Town Council. Come meet the candidates, ask questions, let them know your cares and concerns about your town. All welcome. In remembrance of 9/11, donations for the Middlefield Fire Department will be accepted. Milford Fish & Game Club, 432 Co. Hwy. 33, Cooperstown.

TRAIN ROBBERY – 2 p.m. Get in the spirit of the Old West with a fun train ride, getting stopped unexpectedly for some Wild West action. Features gun fights and explosions, fun for the whole family. Refreshments available. Cost, $22/adult. Cooperstown Charlotte Valley Railroad, departing from the Milford Depot, 136 E. Main St., Milford. 607-432-2429 or visit www.cooperstowntrain.com

AUTHOR READING – 3 – 4 p.m. Come listen to the works of local author/newspaper columnist, Terry Berkson. Enjoy short stories and Autumn refreshments. Spring Field Library, 129 Co. Rd. 29A, Springfield Center. 315-858-5802 or visit libraries.4cls.org/springfield/

EXHIBIT OPENING – 4 – 6 p.m. Enjoy the last show of the ‘High Alert Artists Speak Out’ series featuring ‘Direct from Nairobi: Adam Masava.’ Masava is a self-taught Kenyan artist who draws on positive inspiration from the people of his community, the notorious Mukuru slum. Showing through 11/13. The Art Garage, 689 Beaver Meadow Rd., Cooperstown. 607-547-5327 or visit www.facebook.com/TheArtGarageCooperstown/

LIFESKILLS – 4 – 6 p.m. Teens are invited to learn to cook with Lynn. Menu posted to FB. Seating limited, reservations required. Presented by The Oneonta Teen Center. 50 Dietz St., Oneonta. 607 441 3999 or visit www.facebook.com/oneonta.teencenter

CONCERT – 6 p.m. WKC presents Haitian-American soul songstress Naiika Sings, whose video, on a NYC subway went viral. Cost, $20/non-member. West Kortright Center, 49 West Kortright Church Rd., East Meredith. 607-278-5454 or visit westkc.org/eventbrite-event/naiika-sings-2/

MOVIE NIGHT – 7 p.m. Join the Richfield Springs Library and the community center for a showing of ‘Luca.’ Richfield Springs Community Center, 6 Ann St., Richfield Springs. 315-858-0230 or visit www.facebook.com/Richfield-Springs-Public-Library-1068210423236404/


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