HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Celebrate Independence Day! 07-04-21 – All Otsego

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Celebrate Independence Day!


CELEBRATION – 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Celebrate the nations independence with sights and souds of the 18th century. The Farmers’ Museum, Cooperstown. 607-547-1450 or visit www.farmersmuseum.org/event/independence-day-celebration/

INDEPENDENCE DAY PARADE – 1 p.m. The parade will line up at Noon at Foothills and proceed down Main Street to Neahwa Park for remarks and festivities. All essential workers are invited to participate and will have a chance to win door prizes from local businesses when they register. Bassett CEO Tommy Ibrahim will be serving as Grand Marshall. Main Street, Oneonta. Visit www.facebook.com/FNOneonta/

INDEPENDENCE DAY FESTIVAL – 2 - 11 p.m. After the Parade enjoy food, entertainment on the main stage, support local artisans, and much more at the festival. Mayor Gary Herzig and mayoral candidates will be presenting remarks to honor our essential workers. Neahwa Park, Oneonta. Visit www.facebook.com/FNOneonta/

INDEPENDENCE DAY FIREWORKS – 9:30 p.m. Five Star Subaru will be presenting the fireworks display, dedicated to Essential Workers, which will be ‘twice as intense’ as years past. Neahwa Park, Oneonta. Visit www.facebook.com/FNOneonta/

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