HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Discuss a sustainable workforce 07-27-21 – All Otsego

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Discuss a sustainable workforce


WORKFORCE FORUM – 9 – 11 a.m. Business owners are invited to discuss their employment needs, problems, and how to address them. Each will be given 2 – 3 minutes to discuss with elected officials including Congressman Antonio Delgado, State Senator Peter Oberacker, Assemblymen John Salka, Chris Tague, & Brian Miller. Free, registration for Zoom meeting required. Presented by Otsego County Chamber of Commerce. 607-432-4500 or visit members.otsegocc.com/events/details/2021-workforce-needs-forum-delgado-oberacker-and-assemblymen-salka-miller-and-tague-to-hear-your-thoughts-460

ART WORKSHOP – 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Children aged 9 – 15 are invited for fine arts workshop. This week will feature Remy Holwick teaching self-portrait photography. Free admission, donations welcome. West Kortright Center, 49 West Kortright Church Rd., East Meredith. 607-278-5454 or visit westkc.org/eventbrite-event/osmos-fine-art-youth-art-workshops-4/

LIBRARY PROGRAM – 10 a.m. Children aged 10+ are invited to for fun summer program. This week celebrate Tacos. White Nosed Coati and a cast of amazing Mexican wildlife will present 3 original stories celebrating taco’s and where they were created. Village Park, Main St., Franklin. 607-829-2941 or visit www.franklinfreelibrary.org/programs/summer-reading-program/

FAMILY FARM FUN – 11 a.m – 12:30 p.m. Bring the children, 4-8+, for fun program to learn about the complimentary relationships between people, plants, and animals which make a community. Includes reading of ‘I Was Young in the Mountains’ by Cynthia Rylant followed by art project. Continued Thursday with scavenger hunt and finishes with historic childrens game. Free with admission, reservations recommended. The Farmers’ Museum, Cooperstown. 607-547-1450 or visit www.farmersmuseum.org

AUTHOR SERIES – 2 p.m. Baseball historian Mark Healey, author ‘Gotham Baseball: New York’s All-Time Team’ and editor-in-chief of The Wave newspaper, will discuss some of the greatest players in the history of New York City baseball, from Babe Ruth and Willie Mays to Tom Seaver and Mike Piazza. Free, registration for Zoom required. Presented by The Baseball Hall of Fame. 607-547-7200 or visit baseballhall.org/events/virtual-voices-author-series-mark-healey?date=0

WINE BOTTLE CRAFT – 4 p.m. Turn a wine bottle into a decorative light or a hummingbird feeder or anything else. It’s up to you. Teen and adults only. Richfield Springs Public Library, 102 Main St., Richfield Springs. 315-858-0230 or visit www.facebook.com/Richfield-Springs-Public-Library-1068210423236404/

LAKEFRONT CONCERT – 7 p.m. 3 local organizations collaborate to present concerts at Lake Front Park. This week enjoy a performance of Hanzolo. Lakefront Park, Cooperstown. Visit www.wearecooperstown.com

EXHIBIT LECTURE – 7 p.m. Learn about the activism of Keith Haring in Zoom lecture ‘The Public Has a Right to Art: Keith Haring’s Art & Activism’ presented by Dr. Leesa Rittelmann. Learn about Haring’s artistic and activist legacy and how he shaped the street art that came after. Cost, $10/non-member. Presented by The Fenimore Art Museum, Cooperstown. 607-547-1400 or visit www.fenimoreartmuseum.org


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