Save A Life, Make A Donation
COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVE – 1-6 p.m. Make a lifesaving donation at The Foothills Performing Arts Center, Oneonta. Call 1-800-RED CROSS or visit www.redcrossblood.org/give/drive/driveSearchList.jsp?zipSponsor=foothillsallotsego
BOOK CLUB – 1-2 p.m. Discuss crime fiction novels by Sue Grafton and/or John LeCarre. Suggested reading includes “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy,” “The Honorable Schoolboy,” and “Smiley’s People.” Cooperstown Village Library. Call 607-547-8344 or visit www.facebook.com/VillageLibraryOfCooperstown/
LIVING WELL WORKSHOP – 9:30 a.m.-Noon. Also 1-3:30 p.m. Learn how to actively manage your high-blood pressure in an evidence based way with a group of your peers. Frank J. Basloe Library, 245 N Main St, Herkimer. Call (607)547-3360 or e-mail LivingWellSessions@bassett.org or visit www.bassett.org/information/myhealthy-decisions/news/bassett-offers-free-living-well-high-blood-pressure-workshops/
LEGOS – 3-4 p.m. Play with the library’s lego collection. Cooperstown Village Library. Call (607) 547-8344 or visit www.facebook.com/VillageLibraryOfCooperstown/
FIGURE DRAWING – 6:30 p.m. Non-instructional drawing with live model. Poses chosen by consensus. Cost $12 per class. The Carriage House Art Studio, 11 Ford Ave., Oneonta. Call 435-8718 or visit carriagehouseartstudio.com/classes/figure-drawing/
DRAWING GROUP – 7-9 p.m. Come practice drawing with a live model. $10 donation. To attend call the Cooperstown Art Association. Call 607-547-9777 or visit www.cooperstownart.com/for-adults.html
MEMORIAL – 7:30 p.m. Celebrate the life of Daniel William Michaels, who died suddenly last weekend. Includes music, poems, readings. Staff will be available to provide counseling to attendants. Hunt College Union ballroom, SUNY Oneonta. Call 607-436-3177 or e-mail lisa.miller@oneonta.edu.