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Home For The Holidays Parade

14-19eventspage Give the gift of Christmas to children in need. To participate in the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program CLICK HERE!

HOLIDAY PARADE – 10 a.m.-Noon. Join area businesses, organizations, as well as Santa, Elsa, and Anna for a fun parade. Line up at 10, parade begins 11. Main St., Oneonta. Call 607-432-2941 or visit www.destinationoneonta.com/events/2017/12/2/home-for-the-holidays-parade

HOLIDAY RUN – Noon. Pull out your ugliest holiday sweater. It’s the Rockin’ Around Cooperstown Ugly Sweater Run/Walk. Check 10:30-11:30 a.m. Enjoy a hot chocolate or beer upon completion. Cost $25/individual. Begin at Santa’s House, Pioneer Park, Cooperstown. Call 607-547-2800 or visit www.clarksportscenter.com/events/2017-rockin-around-cooperstown-ugly-sweater-runwalk/

HOLIDAY BREAKFAST – 8 a.m.-Noon. Join the PTA for a Pancake breakfast this holiday season. Cooperstown Central School. Call 607-547-8181.

CRAFT FAIR – 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Find quality, handmade crafts by local and regional crafters. Free, open to the public. Free parking. Hunt Union Ballroom, SUNY Oneonta. Call 607-436-3722 or visit oneonta.campuslabs.com/engage/event/1658875

BOTTLE DRIVE – 9 a.m. Please have clean/returnable bottles & cans on the curb or visible from the street. Support Cooperstown Boy Scouts. Call Bruce, 267-6730, for info.

COOPERSTOWN FARMERS MARKET – 9 a.m.-2 p.m. 101 Main St., in Pioneer Alley, Cooperstown. Visit www.otsego2000.org/cooperstown-farmers-market-and-agriculture/

CHRISTMAS MARKET – 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Main St. Walkway, Oneonta. E-mail oneontafarmersmarket607@gmail.com or visit www.oneontafarmersmarket.org

COOKIES & CRAFTS – 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Shop a distinctive selection of local artists, enjoy the cookies and treats, find something unique for everyone on your list. Unitarian Universalist Society of Oneonta, 12 Ford Ave., Oneonta. Call 607-432-3491 or visit www.facebook.com/UUSOneonta/

HOLIDAY MARKET – 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Holiday exhibition open house featuring local artists. Perfect place to find that perfect gift. Choose from arts in everything from oil to acrylic, pencil, pastel, photography, collage, more. All welcome. Cherry Branch Gallery, 25 Main St., Cherry Valley. Call 607-264-9530 or visit www.facebook.com/cherrybranchgallery/

HOLIDAY FESTIVITIES – 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Enjoy the gingerbread Jubilee and vote for your favorite Gingerbread house. Then decorate a 6 ft. tree for the inaugural Festival of the Trees. Participate in the Community Cookie Swap in the production room. Foothills Performing Arts Center, Oneonta. Call 607-432-2941 or visit www.destinationoneonta.com/events/2017/12/2/gingerbread-jubilee-festival-of-the-trees

OPEN HOUSE – Noon-4 p.m. See the newly renovated church. Saint Mary’s Catholic Church, 39 Walnut St., Oneonta. Call 607-432-3920 or visit www.stmarysoneonta.org

CHRISTMAS MOVIES – Noon-7 p.m. Watch the best Christmas movies on the 6×6 screen. The Turning Point, 22 Elm St., Oneonta. Call 607-267-4435 or visit www.friendsofrecoverydo.org/events

GINGERBREAD DECORATING – Noon-2 p.m. Annual Gingerbread House Decorating Extravaganza. Springfield Library, 129 Co. Hwy. 29 A, Springfield Center. Call 607-547-8609.

DECK THE HALLS – 1-3 p.m. Create a baseball themed Christmas Tree in the Craft area then enjoy a performance by the Pathfinder Village Bell Choir in the gallery. The Baseball Hall of Fame, Cooperstown. Call 607-547-7200 or visit baseballhall.org/events/holiday-celebration-2017

CHRISTMAS TEA – 1-4 p.m. Features holiday tea in heirloom teacups, homemade cookies, holiday shopping. United Methodist Church, 66 Chestnut St., Cooperstown. Call 607-547-9515 or visit www.cooperstownumc.org

VISIT SANTA – 1-5 p.m. Visit Santa in his cottage in Pioneer Park, Cooperstown. Visit cooperstownchamber.org/santas-house-in-cooperstown/

CHRISTMAS PARTY – 2-4 p.m. Children’s party featuring caroling, photos with Santa, games, food, crafts, fun. Cooperstown Fire Hall, 24 Chestnut St., Cooperstown. Call 607-431-8826.

HOLIDAY DINNER & AUCTION – 5 p.m. Enjoy a delicious dinner followed by the auction and a silent auction featuring holiday items and mystery boxes. Richfield Springs Community Center, 6 Ann St., Richfield Springs. Call 315-858-3200.

FILM SCREENING – 6:30-9 p.m. Showing “Kingsman: The Golden Circle.” Admission, $3. The Red Dragon Theater, SUNY Oneonta. Visit oneonta.campuslabs.com/engage/event/1467608

THEATER – 7 p.m. OHS presents “A Christmas Carol,” as adapted by Lyn Stevens. Belden Auditorium, Oneonta City School District, 31 Center St., Oneonta. Call 607-433-8200 or visit www.oneontacsd.org

HOLIDAY CONCERT – 7:30 p.m. Continuing their 47 years of choral music, the Catskill Choral Society presents “A Concert of Seasonal works. Tickets, $19/adult, advance tickets available at The Green Earth, Artware, Cooperstown Natural Foods. First Baptist Church, 21 Elm St., Cooperstown. Call 607-431-6060 or visit catskillchoralsociety.com

FILM SCREENING – 9-11:30 p.m. Showing “Kingsman: The Golden Circle.” Admission, $3. The Red Dragon Theater, SUNY Oneonta. Visit oneonta.campuslabs.com/engage/event/1467609



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