HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SATURDAY, JULY 13, 2019 – All Otsego

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Railway Celebrates 150 years


SESQUICENTENNIAL – Noon – 9 p.m. Celebrate 150th anniversary of Cooperstown-Charlotte Valley Railway with golden spike, speeches, music, celebratory train ride followed by cannon shoot, ice cream social, historical presentation, fireworks, more. Cost, $30/adult. Depart Milford Depot, 136 E. Main St., Milford. 607-432-2429 or visit www.facebook.com/cacvrr/

BREAKFAST – 7:30-11:30 a.m. Come for the all-you-can-eat Fly-In Pancake Breakfast by the Middlefield Volunteer Fire Dept. Cooperstown/Westville Airport, Rte. 166, Cooperstown. (607) 547-5664

CARNIVAL – 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Unadilla’s 43rd Annual Carnival of Sales features community-wide lawn sales, live music, kids’ activities, chicken BBQ, and more. Main St., Village of Unadilla. Info, 607-369-3234.

MUSICAL – 2 p.m. Orpheus Theater Summer Workshop performs “Elf, Jr.” in Foothills PAC’s Production Room. $5. 24 Market St., Oneonta. 607-431-2080, foothillspac.org

SESQUICENTENNIAL – Noon – 9 p.m. Celebrate 150th anniversary of Cooperstown-Charlotte Valley Railway with golden spike, speeches, music, celebratory train ride followed by cannon shoot, ice cream social, historical presentation, fireworks, more. Cost, $30/adult. Depart Milford Depot, 136 E. Main St., Milford. 607-432-2429 or visit www.facebook.com/cacvrr/

PANEL DISCUSSION – 2–4 p.m. Rock & Roll Hall of Fame president Greg Harris for “Fenimore Rocks! Herb Ritts and the Image of Rock Music” exhibit followed by cocktails and buffet. Fenimore Art Museum, 5798 Route 80, Cooperstown. Info, fenimoreart.org

CAMPAIGN KICK-OFF – 3 – 11 p.m. Superheroes in Ripped Jean launch campaign to buy their building. Events include facepainting, adoptable animals, music and a live auction. Foothills Performing Arts Center, Oneonta. Info, www.superheroesirj.org

CONCERT – 7 p.m. Mersey Side 5 play classic rock for the Lake House Summer Concert Series at the New Docks, 2521 Cty Hwy 22, Richfield Springs. Info, 315-529-7560, lakehouse-cooperstown.com

CONCERT SERIES – 7 p.m. Summer concert series continues with virtuoso duo Dan Duggan, Peggy Lynn performing songs inspired by New York’s North Country, other folk tunes. Pathfinder Village, 3 Chenango Rd., Edmeston. 607-965-8377 Ext. 126 or visit pathfindervillage.org/get-involved/summer-concert-series

MUSICAL – 7:30 p.m. Orpheus Theater’s Summer Workshop performs “Les Miserables” School Edition in Foothills PAC’s Production Room. $10-$5. 24 Market St., Oneonta. 607-431-2080, foothillspac.org

THEATER – 7:30 p.m. Set in 1839, “Possessing Harriet” portrays the enslaved Harriett Powell escaping from a hotel, finding refuge with an abolitionist and his young cousin Elizabeth Cady. Free admission, suggested donation $20/person. Reservation strongly recommended. Franklin Stage Company, 25 Institute St., Franklin. 607-829-3700 or visit franklinstagecompany.org/shows-events/this-season/

MUSIC FESTIVAL – 8 p.m. Honest Brook Music Fest presents award winning Jasper String Quartet. Tickets, $25/person. Honest Brook Barn, 1885 Honest Brook Rd., Delhi. 607-746-3770 or visit hbmf.org/summer-season/

DANCE PARTY – 8 p.m. Dance to R&B, Soul, Funk, more performed by Ryan Scot & Band. Cost, $18 at-door. West Kortright Center, 49 W. Kortright Church Rd., East Meredith. 607-278-5454 or visit westkc.org



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