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Fair Finale


OTSEGO COUNTY FAIR – 8 a.m. Gates. Buildings open 10 a.m. Open to 9 p.m. Finale of the Fair. Come for the Demolition Derby, a Horse Show, a Goat Show, a Carnival, and more. Admission, $5. Fair Grounds, 469 Mill St., Morris. Visit www.otsegocountyfair.org for more information.

PADDLE & PULL – 1-3 p.m. Paddle and help OCCA pull remaining Water Chestnuts out of Goodyear Lake. Canoe/Kayaks available. Bring hat, sunscreen, water and expect to get a little wet. Registration preferred. Meet at NYS Fishing Access site, St. Rt. 28, Portlandville. Call (607) 547-4488 or visit occainfo.org/calendar/paddle-pull-goodyear-lake-3/

TRUNK SHOW – 12:30-1:30 p.m. Presenting “Box and Cox” (1847) by John Madison Morton and performed by some of the best actors in our area. On the Tavern Green at The Farmers Museum, Cooperstown. www.farmersmuseum.org/Trunk-Shows

SUMMER SUNDAY SERIES – 1-3 p.m. Learn about the History of Antique Toys with Marilyn Sassi. Bring an antique toy to share and find out how the toys reflect their historic period and the values of the adult society of the time. Junction of Wilcox Ave. & Henry St., Oneonta. swartwilcoxhouse.wordpress.com/summer-sunday-2017/

ANTI-RENT WAR VIGNETTES – 2 p.m. The Templeton players perform short vignettes portraying historical events, characters, and folklore. The Farmers Museum, Cooperstown. www.farmersmuseum.org/programs/%5Bfield_program_type-raw%5D/antirent_war_vignette

RIDDLE ME THIS – 3-5 p.m. Exhibit of Illuminations and Translations of Anglo-Saxon Riddle Poems from the thousand year old Exeter Book. Exhibit creator, Bertha Rogers, will talk about her work and read some of the poems at the opening reception. Showing to thru August, 25. Bright Hill Press & Literacy Center, 94 Church St., Treadwell. Call (607)829-5055 or visit brighthillpress.org

MUSIC FESTIVAL – 4 p.m. Performance of Schubert’s Winterreise plus a complete new song performed by Thomas Meglioranza, baritone, and Reiko Uchida, piano. Honest Brook Music Festival, 1885 Honest Brook Rd., Delhi. Call (607)746-3770 or visit hbmf.org

DANCE – 4-9 p.m. Round and Square dancing with the Tri-County Dance & Social club. all persons 18 and up are invited. Meet people and have a good time. Oneonta Moose Club, 87 W. Broadway St., Oneonta. Call (607)435-6871.

COMMEMORATION – 6 p.m. Fort Plain Museum and Canajohary commemorate the August 2, 1780 raid on Canajohary. Remember the sacrifices with local dignitaries and a musket salute by the Tryon County Militia. Women receive free admission to the museum in memory of the women who donned militia uniforms to convince the attackers the fort was well manned. The Fort Plain Museum, 389 Canal St., Fort Plain. Call (518)993-2527 or visit www.fortplainmuseum.org

CONCERT – 7:30 p.m. “Folk Variations with pianist Gilles Vonsattel” featuring pieces by Dvorak, and Beethoven. Vonsattel is joined by The Jaspers and Linda Chesis. The Otesaga, Cooperstown. www.cooperstownmusicfest.org/gilles_vonsattel/

CONCERT – 7:30 p.m. The Fenimore String Quartet, a distinguished group of Glimmerglass Orchestra musicians, present their exquisite chamber music. The Star Theater, The Foundry, 44 Main St., Cherry Valley. www.facebook.com/Cherry-Valley-Artworks-137916469562367/



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