September 11 Memorial
MEMORIAL – 9 a.m. Ceremony remembering 7 SUNY Oneonta Alumni who lost their lives in the attacks on 9/11. Memorial, Quad, SUNY Oneonta. Visit oneonta.campuslabs.com/engage/event/2589433
BOOK SIGNING – 5 – 7 p.m. Reading of “Riko: Seduction of an Artist” a biography of a Czech artist from the ‘30s thru the ‘80s. Written by Denise B. Dailey. Signing to follow. The Green Toad Book Store, 198 Main St., Oneonta. 607-433-8898 or visit www.facebook.com/TheGreenToadBookstore/
DEADLINE – Last day to sign up for Greater Oneonta Historical Association bus trip to Stockbridge, MA, home of Norman Rockwell Museum holding largest collection of artwork by illustrator Norman Rockwell. Museum trip, lunch, stroll around Stockbridge followed by visit to Chesterwood, summer estate of Daniel Chester French, best known for sculpting Lincolns statue at The Lincoln Memorial. Registration forms available at Oneonta History Center, 183 Main St., Oneonta. 607-432-0960 or visit www.oneontahistory.org/upcomingevents.htm
KNITTING GROUP – 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. Cooperstown Village Library, 22 Main St., Cooperstown. Call 607-547-8344 or visit www.facebook.com/VillageLibraryOfCooperstown/
RABIES CLINIC – 6 – 8 p.m. Bring pets to be vaccinated or to receive their 3-year booster shot with Dr. Fassett. Town Barn, Cherry Valley. Call 607-547-8111 or visit susquehannaanimalshelter.org/2018-otsego-county-free-rabies-clinics/
PTA MEETING – 7 – 11 p.m. Cafeteria, Cooperstown Elementary School. 607-547-8181 or visit www.cooperstowncs.org