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GOHS To Honor Torrey

 For Outstanding Service


AWARD PRESENTATION – 6:30 p.m. The GOHS presentsthe Eduard Hofbauer Outstanding Service Award to Arthur T. Torrey, Jr. following the annual business meeting. Oneonta History Center, 183 Main St., Oneonta. Call 607-432-0960 or visit www.oneontahistory.org

4-H INFO MEETING – 6:30 p.m. Learn how you can volunteer/become a member with your local 4-H club. 31 Maple St., Oneonta. Call 607-547-2536 ext. 225 or e-mail otsego@cornell.edu or visit cceschoharie-otsego.org/events

DISASTER AWARENESS – Last day to register for training for Community Leaders and Caregivers to learn to prepare, respond, and recover from disasters. Otsego County OES, 140 Co. Rt. 33W, Cooperstown. Call 518-292-2351 or visit www.dhses.ny.gov/training/calendar/?agency=OEM

CHILDREN’S STORY HOUR – 10:30-11:30 a.m. Stories and craft time. Cooperstown Village Library, 22 Main St., Cooperstown.

DISCUSSION GROUP – 3-5 p.m. Discuss current events. Cooperstown Village Library, 22 Main St., Cooperstown. www.villagelibraryofcooperstown.org/calendar

HARVEST SUPPER – 5:30 p.m. Enjoy turkey dinner with all the trimmings followed by homemade pie. Take out available 4-5 p.m. Cost, $12/adult, $6 children 6-10. Reservations required before 9/28. Presbyterian Church, 19 Marion Ave., Gilbertsville. Call 783-2445.

BOE MEETING – 7 p.m. Library, Cooperstown High School. Call (607)547-8181 or visit www.cooperstowncs.org

CHESS NIGHT – 7-10 p.m. Chess enthusiasts of all levels welcome to play. Hunt Union Cafeteria, SUNY Oneonta. Call (607)643-4940



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