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Production Of Shakespeare’s

‘Twelfth Night, Or What You Will



ART & POETRY CONTEST DEADLINE – Last day to enter the CANO LEAF Art & Poetry contest. The theme is ‘Blue Skies Smilin’ at me: Exploring the beauty of living a life free from the negative impacts of addiction.’ Info, www.canoneonta.org/event/opening-reception-leaf-art-poetry-contest-2/?instance_id=752

THEATER – 8 p.m. “Twelfth Night, or What You Will” by William Shakespeare. The classic story of mistaken identity and love is adapted by the Hartwick College Theater Arts Department to the setting of a 1980s night club. Admission, $5 students, $10 public. Slade Theater, Yager Hall, Hartwick College, Oneonta. Info/reservations, call (607)431-4227 or email theatre@hartwicki.edu. Additional info, Alyssa Fox at foxa@hartwick.edu

HISTORY EXHIBIT – “Dressed to the Nines: Williams-Proctor Fashions” showcasing 19th century highsociety dress opens. continuing thru September 3. Munson-Williams-Proctor Arts Institute, 310 Genesee Street, Utica. Info, www.mwpai.org/view/exhibitions/future-exhibition/williams-proctor-fashions/

EASTER BUNNY PHOTOS – Noon-4 p.m. Fun for the whole family. Children 10 an under take photos with the Easter bunny. Cost, $8. Please bring non-perishable food donations to Help Stomp Out Hunger. Southside Mall, Oneonta. Info, www.facebook.com/southsidemall/

DISCUSSION – 3:30-5 p.m. Topics in Inter-sectional Feminism. Cooperstown Village Library. Info, www.villagelibraryofcooperstown.org/calendar

HAM DINNER – 5:30 p.m. Baked ham served with sweet potato’s, mashed potatoes, veggies, and includes coffee and dessert. Oneonta Women of the Moose Lodge, 119 West Broadway, Oneonta. Info, debdew78@yahoo.com or call (607)433-2357

MUSIC – 9 p.m. Robert Sarazin Blake & The Letters celebrate their new album ‘Recitative.’ Their music draws inspiration from folk, Americana, and rock to explore everything from couples, single women, and US drone attacks. B-Side Ballroom, 1 Clinton Plaza Dr., Oneonta. Info, Alecia Eberhardt-Smith alecia@eberhardtsmith.com or call (631)897-7435



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