Looking At Art For Inspiration
WRITERS INSPIRATION – 2 p.m. Learn how writers can be inspired by art by looking closely at works to glean meaning, stories, ideas to propel your writing. Free, registration required. Presented by The Arkell Museum. 518-673-2314 ext. 113 or visit www.arkellmuseum.org/events-calendar
CLIMATE DISCUSSION – Last day to register. Join environmental economist Dr. Yoram Bauman (The Cartoon Introduction to Climate Change) for innovative discussion on how we (individuals & society) can turn down the heat on our planetary ‘composite pile.’ Free, registration required by 4/20, will be held 4/21 at 7 p.m. Presented by SUNY Oneonta. 607-436-2526 or visit oneontaalumni.com/YoramBauman
AUTHOR SERIES – 2 p.m. Learn about the 1986 Baseball World Series with author Erik Sherman, whose most recent book ‘Two Sides of Glory’ portrays the losing side of that game. This is the second book in the series with the previous portraying the winners. Free, registration required. Presented by The Basball Hall of Fame. 607-547-7200 or visit baseballhall.org/events/virtual-author-series-erik-sherman?date=0