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History Day Presentations


HISTORY DAY – All Day. Students from the Catskill region of NYS compete to see who has created the best History Day Project and continue on to the Statewide competition. The Farmers Museum, Cooperstown. Info, nyshistoryday.org

SPRING DINNER – 6 p.m. Roast Pork dinner. Individual seating only, reservations required. Take-out available, ready for pick-up by 5:45 p.m. Middlefield Baptist Church. Info, call Dorothy @ (607)547-9093 or Sue @ (607)264-8042

DIABETES WORKSHOP – 1-3:30 p.m. Free 7 week workshop where diabetics can share tips and techniques to cope with the challenges of living with diabetes. Participants will have access to a national evidence-based self-management program to inform their decisions and be a more active manager of their health. Registration required. St. Thomas the Apostle, 1 Church St., Cherry Valley. Info, call (607)547-3360 or email LivingWellSessions@bassett.org

STRESSBUSTERS – 6:30-7:30 p.m. Monthly class giving you the tools for self-care and empowerment. Huntington Memorial Library, 62 Chestnut St., Oneonta. Info, hmloneonta.org/calendar/

BOE MEETING – 7 p.m. Gilberstville-Mt.Upton Board of Education meeting. D104 Gilbertsville-Mt.Upton Central School, 693 St. Hwy. 51, Gilbertsville. Info, www.gmucsd.org

DRAWING GROUP – 7-9 p.m. Come practice drawing with a live model. $10 donation. To attend call the Cooperstown Art Association, (607)547-9777



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