Memorial Day Parades,
Plus Clinton Canoe Regatta
ONEONTA MEMORIAL DAY PARADE – 10 a.m. Line up on Market St., members of the armed services, and many more organizations will proceed down Main St. to Neahwa Park for memorial services by the American Legion. Info, Vic Bronner, (607) 263-5349, vicjbronner@frontiernet.net
COOPERSTOWN MEMORIAL DAY PARADE – 11 a.m., from the Cooperstown Vets Club up Main Street to the Soldiers & Sailor Monument in front of the county office building, where commemorations are planned.
GENERAL CLINTON CANOE REGATTA – 7 a.m. Entrants in the 55th annual, 70 mile canoe regatta, enter the river for this test of endurance. Brookwood Point, 6000 St. Rt. 80, West Lake Rd., Cooperstown. The finish line is in the General Clinton Park, Bainbridge. Info, otsegolandtrust.org/places-to-explore-103/brookwood-point
CHILDREN’S TOUR – 10:30 a.m. Bring kids to experience what life on a farm was really like in the 1800s. Includes a visit to the schoolhouse for games and writing with quill and ink, a stop at the printer, blacksmith shop, the general store, pharmacy, and workhshops in the farmhouse. The Farmers Museum, Cooperstown. Info, www.farmersmuseum.org/childrens-tour
DIABETES WORKSHOP – 1-3:30 p.m. Free 7 week workshop where diabetics can share tips and techniques to cope with the challenges of living with diabetes. Participants will have access to a national evidence-based self-management program to inform their decisions and be a more active manager of their health. Registration required. St. Thomas the Apostle, 1 Church St., Cherry Valley. Info, call (607)547-3360 or e-mail LivingWellSessions@bassett.org or visit www.bassett.org/information/myhealthy-decisions/news/bassett-offers-free-living-well-diabetes-sessions-herkimer-and-otsego-county/
ADDICTION WORKSHOP – 6-8 p.m. Join one of the founders of Fordo to learn how the brain of someone struggling with Substance Abuse Disorder becomes chemically changed over time and how it differs from a healthy person. An education for the families of those who are struggling. Friends of Recovery of Delaware and Otsego, 22 Elm St., Oneonta. Info, call 607.267.4435 or email us at kyle@friendsofrecoverydo.o
DRAWING GROUP – 7-9 p.m. Come practice drawing with a live model. $10 donation. Info, attend, Cooperstown Art Association, (607) 547-9777.