HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Open Mic & Writers Presentation With Community Arts Network of Oneonta 10-15-20 – All Otsego

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CANO Hosts Virtual Open Mic


WRITERS SALON – 7:30 p.m. Virtual writers salon by CANO hosted on Zoom. Features author Alice Lichenstein, and an open mic session. Presented by Community Arts Network of Oneonta. Visit www.facebook.com/CANOneonta for info.

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY – 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Volunteer aged 14+ are invited to aid in the construction of 2 houses for families in need. Come for a few hour or the whole day, no special skill required. Masks required. McFarland Rd., Oneonta. 607-432-7874 or visit habitatotsego.org/volunteer/

RABIES CLINIC – 9 – Noon. Free rabies vaccination for cats, dogs, ferrets. Scheduling for 30 minute intervals to follow social distancing. First come, first serve. Susquehanna SPCA, Rt. 28, Cooperstown. 607-547-4230 or visit sqspca.org/free-weekly-rabies-clinics/

MEDICARE 101 – 1:30 p.m. Community is invited to outdoor presentation on Medicare. Bring a lawn chair, wear a mask, dress warm. Presented by Otsego County Office For The Aging, Parking lot, St. Mary’s Church, 31 Elm St., Cooperstown.

BLOOD DRIVE – 1:30 – 6:30 p.m. Donate blood, help save lives. Franklin Methodist Church, 101 Main St., Oneonta. 800-733-2767 or visit www.redcrossblood.org

COOPERSTOWN REFLECTS – 7 p.m. Join panel on Zoom to for ‘Cooperstown Reflects on Racism and Education’ discussion with representatives from SUNY Morrisville, Cooperstown Central School, Ithaca City School District. Presented by Cooperstown Village Library. Visit fovl.eventbrite.com to register.

POETRY FEST – 8 p.m. Klinkhart Hall Arts Center continues Sharon Springs Poetry Fest with pre-recorded readings from guest poets Mark Doty, Kimiko Hahn, & Rowan Ricardo Phillips. Continues 10/16 and 10/17. Free, only on Klinkhart Hall Arts Center Website. Visit klinkharthall.org/poetry-festival-2020/ for info.



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