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Festival In The Park


SPRING FEST – 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Features music and events including the Ross Park Zoomobile and a Fishing Derby by Trout Unlimited. Copes Corner Park, on Rte. 51 between Gilbertsville and Mt. Upton. Info, www.townofbutternuts.org/copes-corners-park/

FLOWER SHOW – 5-7 p.m. Opening reception of The Cherry Valley Flower Show on display to June 4. The Cherry Branch Gallery, 25 Main St., Cherry Valley. Info, call (607)264-9530 or email info@cherrybranchgallery.com or visit cherrybranchgallery.com

BENEFIT BREAKFAST – 7:30-11:30 a.m. Pancakes and a Chinese auction to support the recovery of Alex Reynolds, Cooperstown High School Graduate, who was severely injured in a snowmobile accident on Feb. 15th. Fly Creek Volunteer Fire Company, 832 Co. Hwy. 26, Fly Creek. Info, www.facebook.com/Fly-Creek-Volunteer-Fire-Company-409995299193467/

CLEAN SWEEP – 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Hartwick residents can sign up to clean up the roads and dispose of trash, recylables, and reusables at the provided locations. Info, townofhartwick.org/content/ or call Town Supervisor O’Brien @ (607)293-8134 or Martha Clarvoe @ (607)293-6654 to sing up for road clean-up.

PLASTIC COLLECTION – 8-11 a.m. OCCA and partners will be collecting farms agricultural plastic. Accepted plastics include bale wrap, bunker silo cover, silage bags, and greenhouse covers. Must be sorted according to type. Southern Transfer Station, 75 Silas Lane, Oneonta. Info, call program director Jeff O’Handley @ (607)282-4087

COOPERSTOWN FARMERS MARKET – 8 a.m.-2 p.m. 101 Main St., in Pioneer Alley, Cooperstown. Info, www.otsego2000.org/cooperstown-farmers-market-and-agriculture/

BLOOD DRIVE – 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Help save lives with the Red Cross. Main Street Baptist Church, 333 Main St., Oneonta. Info/appointment, call 800-GIVE-LIFE, or visit www.redcrossblood.org

ONEONTA FARMERS MARKET – 9 a.m.-1 p.m. 2 Dietz St., Oneonta. Info, www.oneontafarmersmarket.org

KIDS FISHING DERBY – 9 a.m.-Noon. Trout Unlimited will release brown trout into the lake for children aged 3-15 to catch. Bring your own or use one provided by the volunteers. Free and open to the public. Copes Corners Park, 620 St. Hwy. 51, Gilbertsville. Info, copescornerspark.org/events-3/

BOTTLE DRIVE – 9 a.m. Have clean, returnable bottles and cans on the curb or visible from the street to benefit the Cooperstown Boy Scout Troop 1254. Info, Bruce @ 267-6730

BOOK COLLECTION – 10 a.m.-Noon. Donate books, CDs, and DVD in good condition for the annual FOVL book sale. Cooperstown Village Library. Info, call 547-8344 or visit www.villagelibraryofcooperstown.org/calendar

SHOW & SALE – 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Find tables upon tables of vintage postcards of local and general interest as well as other paper items like posters, sheet music, photographs, and trading cards. Also has a 50/50 raffle. Free admission/parking. Elm Park Methodist Church, 401 chestnut St., Oneonta. Info, www.oneontahistory.org or call (607)432-0960

MOTHER-DAUGHTER EVENT – 10 a.m.-Noon. Put on your nicest clothing and enjoy a morning tea party with your female relatives. Foothills Performing Arts Center, 24 Market St., Oneonta. Info, www.facebook.com/pg/foothillsoneonta/events/

SEWING EVENT – 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Create feminine hygiene kits so poverty stricken girls can stay in school. Unadilla First Presbyterian Church, 156 Main St., Unadilla. Info, Jeanette @ (607)643-8209 or email oneontany@daysforgirls.org or visit www.daysforgirls.org

OPEN HOUSE – 11 a.m.-3 p.m. The public is invited to tour the 55 room Tudor style inn built in 1897. Includes refreshments. See the beauty of the Inn and historic Gilbertsville. Proceeds go to restoration of this historic building. The Major’s Inn, 12 Marion Ave., Gilbertsville. Info, www.themajorsinn.com

SILENT AUCTION – 11 a.m. Auction and reception. Support the Oneonta Community Christian School, 158 River St., Oneonta. Info, www.occseagles.org

HISTORY EXHIBIT – 1-4 p.m. Opening reception of “Walking the Steel: From Girder to Ground Zero” is a chance to meet the contributors to the exhibit and view a screening of the film “To Brooklyn and Back: A Mohawk Journey” with guest speaker Reaghan Tarbell. It tells the story of a community of Mohawks that grew out of the iron working boom of the 1950s. Iroquois Indian Museum, 324 Caverns Rd., Howes Cave. Info, www.iroquoismuseum.org/events-cdqm

FIREFIGHTING COMPETITION – 1-5 p.m. Watch local fire departments compete in the water-on-fire speed drill competition. SpringFling. Copes Corners Park, 620 St. Hwy. 51, Gilbertsville. Info, copescornerspark.org/events-3/

DRAWING WORKSHOP – 1-4 p.m. Begin your “Journey into Drawing” with Friends of Recovery of Delaware and Otsego counties. Materials free. All skill levels welcome. Registration preferred. The Turning Point, 22 Elm St., Oneonta. Info, www.friendsofrecoverydo.org/events

LIVE AUCTION – 1 p.m. Featuring Guest Auctioneer Kevin Herrick and items from Subaru gift certificates to Stoneware Coffee mugs. Support the Oneonta Community Christian School, 158 River St., Oneonta. Info, www.occseagles.org

SELF AWARENESS WORKSHOP – 1:30 p.m. 3 hour interactive workshop for anyone in any kind of transition. Gain the tools for self-empowerment through guided portrait making. The Green Earth, 4 Market St., Oneonta. Info, www.greenearthoneonta.com

BOARD GAME DAY – 1:30-6 p.m. A day for children and their familys to relax and play games in a fun and safe environment. Serenity Hobbies, 254 Main St., Oneonta. Info, hartlink.hartwick.edu/organization/alternativerealities

WRITERS GROUP – 1:30 p.m. Poet, speed writer, novelist, or short story writer. Come practice your writing in the format of NaNoWriMo at your pace. Share if you want. Led by Jen Donohue. Huntington Memorial Library, 62 Chestnut St., Oneonta. Info, hmloneonta.org/hml-writers-group/

ADAPTIVE SOCCER – 2 p.m. Free skill clinic for children and young adults with any disability to work one-on-one with volunteers from Hartwick College soccer teams. Elmore Field, Hartwick College, Oneonta. Info, www.eddfund.org/programs.html or call (802)399-4366

BOAT FLOAT CONTEST – 2 p.m. Release your boat on the Butternut creek and see which crosses the finish line first. Bring your own or build one with provided materials. Must be 18” or smaller, powered or unpowered, with no remote control. Copes Corners Park, 620 NY-51, Gilbertsville. Info, Scott Wilson (607)226-3590 or visit copescornerspark.org/events-3/

BOOK READING – 2 p.m. Teresa Millias presents “Stories from Lone Moon Creek, Book three: Reflections” followed by a book signing. The Green Toad Bookstore, 198 Main St., Oneonta. Info, greentoadbookstore.com/events/teresa-millias-stories-from-lone-moon-creek/

BEER TASTING – 2 p.m. Taste 10 beers, brewed especially for this event, by local brewers. Includes a commemorative glass. Support the 6th Ward Athletic club and HOPS Brew Club. Tickets available at Roots Brewing Company, The Eighth Note, Green Toad Bookstore, and 6th Ward Athletic Club. Suggested donation, $20. 6th Ward Athletic Club, 22 W. Broadway, Oneonta. Info, 436-9136 or visit www.sixthwardaa.com

JAZZ BAND – 4 p.m. The Gilbertsville Jazz band plays toe-tapping selections at Pavillion #3 for SpringFling. Copes Corners Park, 620 St. Hwy. 51, Gilbertsville. Info, copescornerspark.org/events-3/

FOR-DO BOOK CLUB – 4-7 p.m. Feel like you don’t read enough, come to this book club. The group votes on the book to be read. At The Turning Point, 22 Elm St., Oneonta. Info, www.friendsofrecoverydo.org/events


ICE CREAM SOCIAL – 5 p.m. Cool down during SpringFling with some ice cream provided by Gilbertsville Fire Dept. Auxilliary. Free will donations accepted. Copes Corners Park, 620 St. Hwy. 51, Gilbertsville. Info, copescornerspark.org/events-3/

COUNTRY MUSIC – 7 p.m. Country Music Star Jaime O’Neal performs. Foothills Performing Arts Center, Oneonta. Info, foothillspac.org

BEATLES CONCERT – 7 p.m. Beatles tribute band “Beatles for Sale” recreate the sounds of the Beatles in concert for a new generation of fans. Bainbridge Town Hall Theater, 15 N Main St, Bainbridge. Info, www.jerichoarts.com

THEATER – 7:30 p.m. “Tripping Hither, Tripping Thither” musical of Gilbert and Sullivan.Catskill Choral Society Spring Concert. Walton Theater, Gardiner Plaza, Walton. Info, catskillchoralsociety.com

THEATER – 7:30-10:30 p.m.. Presenting ‘Jesus Christ: Superstar’ by Andrew Lloyd Weber and Tim Rice. Loosely based on the Gospel account of Jesus’s last week alive. Orpheus Theater, 31 Maple St., Oneonta. Info, www.orpheustheatre.org/season.html



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