HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Seniors Walking Club 03-07-22 – All Otsego

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Seniors Walking Club


WALKING CLUB – 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Enjoy a fun walk on Mondays & Fridays with friends old and new and listen to music of the 70s. Free for members, non-members aged 50+. Clark Sports Center, Cooperstown. 547-2800, ext. 109 or visit www.clarksportscenter.com

WEATHERIZATION – 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Learn the basics of building science and weather efficiency improvements needed to enter the building trades workforce. Week-long class is open to residents of Otsego, Delaware, & Chenango Counties who are high school graduates, have a drivers license and meet income eligibility requirements. Upon completion participants will receive OSHA construction safety and NYS Weatherization Directors Association certifications, work boots, jacket, a starter tool kit, and an opportunity to talk with local employers. Application required. Presented by CDO Workforce, Oneonta. 607-432-4800 ext. 0 or visit www.facebook.com/ofoinc/

SENIOR MEALS – Noon. Seniors are invited to socialize and enjoy good food with the Otsego County Office for the Aging. Enjoy Chicken Parmesean over Pasta for lunch. Reservations required 24 hours in advance. Cherry Valley Facilities Corporation Cafe, 2 Genesee St., Cherry Valley. 607-547-6454 or visit www.facebook.com/otsegocountyOFA

RABIES CLINIC – 3 – 6 p.m. Free rabies vaccination for cats, dogs, ferrets. Scheduling to follow social distancing, masks required. First come, first serve, bring your pets vaccine certificate for the Vets reference. Susquehanna SPCA, Rt. 28, Cooperstown. 607-547-4230 or visit sqspca.org

TAX PREP – 6 – 8 p.m. by appointment ONLY. IRS Certified Volunteers will be on hand to prepare simple tax returns for the 2021 year. VITA site, 2nd Floor Golisano Hall, Hartwick College, Oneonta. 607-431-4338 or visit www.facebook.com/otsegocountyOFA/


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