HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Serenades in Concert with the Catskill Symphony Orchestra 11-20-21 – All Otsego

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Serenades in Concert with
the Catskill Symphony Orchestra


CHRISTMAS - Be an Angel. Sign up to give the gift of Christmas to local families in need with this years Angel Tree Program. Visit www.allotsego.com/angel-tree-program/ for details.

SYMPHONY – 7 p.m. The Catskill Symphony Orchestra presents a program of serenades, both classical and romantic, by a trio of master composers: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart to Antonín Dvořák and Richard Strauss. Health guidelines will be followed. Cost is $32/adult. Foothills Performing Art Center, Oneonta. Visit catskillsymphonyorchestra.org

VACCINE CLINIC – 8:15 - 11:30 a.m. Established Bassett patients aged 18+ are invited to receive a flu shot or the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Bassett Family Medicine, Ste 9 , 739 Rt. 28, Southside Oneonta. 607-431-1015 or visit www.bassett.org/news/upcoming-patient-flu-covid-19-vaccine-clinics?fbclid=IwAR2EO0lOO1CmH3CIQRMxsPIGqKRbgmWC2oaJ6IRFYWG1iC5EyBWDAK6INqE

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