Activities At The Yager
FAMILY FUN DAY – Noon-3 p.m. Spend an afternoon at the museum with the kids creating masks, playing art detective, doing a junior archaeology dig, and more arts and crafts. Each activity will tie in with the theme of storytelling. Yager Museum, Hartwick College, Oneonta. Info, www.hartwick.edu/news/hartwicks-yager-museum-host-2nd-family-fun-day-event/
OCCA GARAGE SALE – 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle items to raise money for county-wide environmental programs by OCCA. At the Cooperstown Farmers Market. Info, occainfo.org/calendar/save-date-reduce-reuse-recycle-garage-sale/ or call (607) 547-4488
SPIRITUAL ARTS & PSYCHIC FAIR – 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 2 day fair featuring reading by psychics, vendors, and workshops to help you heal, and find direction in your life. Oneonta Holiday Inn, 5206 State Highway 23, Oneonta. Info, www.shiftnewyork.com
WIND ENSEMBLE CONCERT – 2 p.m. The Spring concert of the Catskill Valley Wind Emsemble featuring local performers like Cynthia Donaldson who teaches at OHS and the new trombone choir, Catskill Bones, making their debut. First United Methodist Church, 66 Chestnut St, Oneonta. Info, call (607)432-7085 or visit catskillwinds.com
HYDROGEN JUKEBOX – 3 p.m. Concert featuring the union of the beat poetry of Alan Ginsberg and the music of Philip Glass. Their art ranged from the anti-war movement to the sexual revolution, drugs, eastern philosophy, and the environment. Tri-Cities Opera Center, Savoca Hibbitt Hall, 315 Clinton St., Binghamton. Info, www.tricitiesopera.com/portfolio/hydrogenjukebox1617/