Hartwick Shows Off Centerpiece Of $67M In Campus Upgrades – All Otsego

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Drugovich Leads Tour Of Founders’ Way

Hartwick Shows Off

Centerpiece Of $67M

In Campus Upgrades

Hartwick College President Margaret Drugovich, in pink suit in top photo, and the tour she is leading, pause this morning at the campus’ new pergola on Founders’ Way, the brand-new pedestrian-friendly centerpiece of the Oneonta college’s $67 million in upgrades, renovations and new construction now coming to completion.  Drugovich led the inaugural tour of the walkway, which replaces Hartwick Drive, (formerly the main driveway into the campus), intended to maximize the college’s famous view of the northern Catskills, and adding space for students and others to pause, sit and enjoy the ambiance.  The tour occurred during “True Blue Weekend,” college’s homecoming, which coincides with a meeting of the board of trustees.  At right, Francis Landrey, trustees’ chair, right, Drugovich and student Joseph Zeigler ’99, who participated in the building committee, unveil a rendering of Founders’ Way at a ceremony at the tour’s completion.  (Jim Kevlin/AllOTSEGO.com)


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