COLUMN VIEW FROM THE GAME It’s All We Need To Know: Home Plate 17 Inches Wide Editor’s Note: Tim Mead, incoming Baseball Hall of Fame president, cited John Scolinos, baseball coach at his alma mater, Cal Poly Pomona, as a lifelong inspiration, particularly Scolinos’ famous speech “17 Inches.” Chris Sperry, who published, heard Scolinos deliver a version in 1996 at the American Baseball Coaches Association in Nashville, and wrote this reminiscence in 1916 in his “Baseball Thoughts” column. By CHRIS SPERRY • from In 1996, Coach Scolinos was 78 years old and five years retired from a college coaching…
Looks to me that somebody was in a hurry. I had a car pass me going over the River Bridge on So side but he had to move into my lane in front of me. The traffic in our lane was going slow so he had to slow down until he flew around onto Chestnut St going like he was in a big hurry. I was hoping the police were sitting in front of the cleaners so he would have been caught.