Heroes Act To Include
Direct Aid To Counties
As Proposed By Delgado
Aim: To Help Localities Rebound From COVID

WASHINGTON – The Heroes Act, unveiled this week in the U.S. House of Representatives, is expected to be voted on Friday and includes a number of provisions to from Congressman Antonio Delgado’s Direct Support for Communities Act.
The Otsego County congressman office’s said the bill provides local governments with direct federal relief that can be used to pay for essential services and offset lost revenues and increased costs from the COVID-19 emergency.
Otsego County, with its dependence on sales- and bed-tax revenues associated with tourism, is expected to be hit particularly hard by the coronavirus fallout.
“Our local governments here at home have managed our COVID-19 response, and have done so while confronted with a shrinking tax base” while providing “critical services,” said the 19th District Democrat.
A formula from Delgado’s Direct Support for Communities Act “will ensure that every county, city, town and village in the country receives federal funding, regardless of size,” Delgado said.
Let’s name this bill correctly. It should be named the Victims Act. The doctors, nurses, EMT’s etc are the hero’s.