American Democracy
At Stake This Election
To the Editor:
After months of listening, reading and seeing a litany of positions on the upcoming 2020 Presidential election, I have concluded it all boils down to the following:
Do we as Americans want to give away the hard-fought fight of democracy to socialism? Or keep our democracy as intended by our forefathers?
Simply put:
• TRUMP – Pro democracy; pro United States Constitution; pro U.S. Bill of Rights.
• BIDEN – Socialism; anti U.S. Constitution; Marxism
The Founding Fathers formed the greatest government based on democracy. Many hundreds of thousands have laid down their lives for our democracy. We have a responsibility to preserve this democracy.
Socialism is NOT the answer.
We now face perhaps the most important election ever in this country – certainly in our life time. If you are an American patriot, love this country and want to preserve it, then take a stand at the polls and vote for democracy!