HIERHOLZER: A Dog’s Dilemma – All Otsego

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Letter from Sherry Hierholzer

A Dog’s Dilemma

The majority of dogs in our nation’s animal shelters come from “puppy mill” situations. Whether it is a large-scale operation with many dogs bred, or a local “back yard” situation mating a couple of dogs. Add to this the unneutered dogs allowed to roam freely. People buying/acquiring these dogs often do not keep them long. The person has no time, can’t afford the expenses, their lifestyle changes, or they can’t be bothered to train or spend time with the dog(s).

These unwanted dogs end up at the animal shelter, or worse, are left tied in the yard or left totally abandoned. The shelters become overcrowded, forcing some of them to euthanize the animals. Their budgets and staff are very limited.

And, a majority of the funds are donated and staff are volunteers.

Dog breeding should be left to the experts. They are breed fanciers who work hard to keep the breed what it should be, and then sell the dogs to people that should have them or want them. The breeders are knowledgeable on their specific breed, members of associated kennel clubs, and take responsibility when placing an animal. They screen potential homes for suitability. Contracts are often required to neuter and train the dog. They will take a dog back at any time, should the home not be able to keep the dog. The dogs from reputable breeders rarely end up in shelters.

Please be part of the solution, not the problem. Support spaying/neutering, responsible dog breeding and rescue organizations. And, support your local animal shelter. The staff at the animal shelters spend many hours and dollars “fixing” the situation that was created unnecessarily on the other end.

Sherry Hierholzer


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