Holiday Card Now Available – All Otsego

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Holiday Card Now Available

FLY CREEK—The Fly Creek Fire Company has announced its artist for this year’s Holiday Card fundraising campaign.

According to officials, Maureen Heroux, known for her beautiful watercolor landscapes of the region, has donated a stunning work for use on this year’s cards.

The Holiday Card campaign, now in its second year, features a work donated by a local artist. Pre-order forms will be available on the Fire Company website,

Pre-ordered cards and cards for purchase will be available for pick up at the firehouse on Saturday, September 9 beginning at noon, following the parade and during the FCFC 75th anniversary picnic and celebration.

The original Maureen Heroux watercolor painting (pictured above) will be sold to the highest bidder in a silent auction that day. Subsequent card orders can be picked up at the firehouse by appointment. All proceeds will benefit the FCFC and the community it has proudly served since 1948.


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