Hometown History: January 11, 2024 – All Otsego

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Bound Volumes, Hometown History

January 11, 2024


In near-zero weather an eight-month-old German police dog last night blockaded a business building for an hour, driving off all comers with warning growls and flashing teeth. The dog held the line in front of Chrisler Tire & Battery Co., 9 Elm Street, until his master found him via phoned appeals to police. The case began at 7:29 p.m. when Hugh Moore, 31 Main Street phoned Sergeant James Fawcett that his silver and black German shepherd dog was AWOL. Mr. Moore said the dog answered to the name of Duke. About that time the dog had established his picket line as Raymond H. Gifford, employed by the Chrisler firm, went to the Elm Street location to turn up the thermostat. The dog wouldn’t let him enter. After Mr. Gifford’s second attempt was rebuffed with snarls and bared teeth he returned home. Eventually Oneonta patrolman H.R. “Bobby” Wenck arrived, but Duke wasn’t impressed with the uniform. Eventually Mr. Moore was notified and arrived to pick up his pet.

January 1954

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