Deaths Continue
To Drop In NYS
NEW YORK CITY – New York State is at the lowest number of deaths and hospitalizations since the pandemic began, Governor Cuomo reported today in his daily briefing.
The number of total hospitalizations was down yesterday to lowest level since March 20 to 1,734. Thirty-two people in New York passed away due to COVID-19, down from a record-high of 800 just nine weeks ago.
The Governor also:
• signed legislation suspending the forfeiture of unemployment benefits during the COVID-19 state of emergency, aligning with the Executive Order issued by the Governor on May 14. Individuals who have had forfeit penalties levied against them from past claims are currently unable to collect their unemployment benefits; the new law allows them to collect benefits even if forfeit penalties have been enacted against them.
• signed legislation repealing criminalization of wearing a mask in public, removing what he termed an outdated provision and allowing people to wear masks to stop the spread of COVI-19.