George Floyd, 46,
From Fellow Texan
By CHIP NORTHRUP • Special to

George Floyd was a big, happy-go-lucky Texan.
He had a daughter named Gianna and was a member of a Bible study class. I grew up in Texas with good hard working men like George, including members of his extended family.
Otis Floyd, Sr. was our handyman. His sons Otis, Jr., Michael and Clifford were our moving men. His wife, Hazel Gay Floyd helped raise our four children. Daughter Esther was our babysitter.
I spoke at Hazel’s funeral and thanked her for raising our children. Otis Jr. joked that she spent more time with our kids than with her own. She certainly spent more time with them than I did.
Before George died, he called out for his mother, who had died years before in Texas. They are all gone now. Hazel, George, Otis, Otis Jr., Michael and Clifford Floyd. Only Esther remains. All gone but not forgotten.
It’s up to me to do right by their memory, their kindness, and their quiet suffering. They worked hard all their lives, never complained, and they never had half a chance.
Chip Northrup, a Texan, maintains a summer home in Cooperstown. Mr. Northrup is a frequent contributor to The Freeman’s Journal & Hometown Oneonta.
Thank you, Chip, for sharing these glimpses into the man George Floyd was. His death, I believe, will forever be a blemish in the history of what was once a great country. What a violent, racist, homophobic nation we have become.
Well written. Thanks, Chip.
That was very nice Chip. Everything I’ve seen about Mr. Floyd paints a picture of a good man. Thanks from your Dallas neighbor.