In Memoriam
Alexandra Ferrebee Gehring
May 21, 1970-January 12, 2023

Well Wow! That was an exhilarating ride!
What a privilege.
My body! My constant companion. Her fortitude. She gave me everything I asked of her! And now she will rest deeply as she has long deserved. She
& I are ready.
To have the education I received!
To have the freedom to decide the exact shape my family and my work would take.
The magic of loving my daughter, Jesse!
Our twenty-nine years together!
Watching her grow and create a family of her own.
Meeting Mercedes!
The sound of slow steady rain on the roof!
A sky thick with stars!
A long run!
The smell of coming snow!
A perfectly sharpened pencil!
The thrill of cold water on my skin!
A paper lantern floating up through the darkness!
The tastes! The smells!
And to all of you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
I’ll see you in the stars!
Love, Alex
(No flowers please. Thank you for understanding that I do not want a memorial service. Give generously to your local reproductive health clinic. Thank you!)