In Other News – All Otsego

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In Other News

ONEONTA—Opportunities for Otsego, a community action agency focused on alleviating poverty in the county, recently held a Point-in-Time meeting in conjunction with the Oneonta Police Department to give a count of the homeless on Thursday, January 26. Blankets, provided by the Southern Tier Homeless Coalition, were given to the OPD to give to any unsheltered individuals they encounter.

The official results of the Point-in-Time count will be released in April by STHC, the organizers of the count across six counties. Last year, 77 persons were identified as unhoused in Otsego County through the Point-in-Time count.

GILBERTSVILLE—The Town of Butternuts has begun the process of updating its Comprehensive Plan, adopted in August of 2013. According to the town’s website, a survey has been mailed to Town of Butternuts and Village of Gilbertsville residents and businesses. Copies of the survey can be picked up from the town and village clerks by residents who did not receive one. “A comprehensive plan presents a vision of the future of the town and proposes actions that can be taken to achieve that vision. It helps our local governments and community institutions work together in their decision making,” the Town of Butternuts website reads.

COOPERSTOWN—Leatherstocking Credit Union is now taking applications from local high-school seniors for its annual scholarship. The scholarship is based on community and/or school involvement, and being a well-rounded individual. Applicants can print out a form at or pick one up at Leatherstocking Credit Union, 24 Glen Avenue.
The deadline to apply is April 21; applicants must be a member of Leatherstocking Credit Union. If they are not, they may become a member prior to applying if they meet the membership eligibility criteria.
For further details, call Matthew Marrotta at (607) 547-5700, extension 114.


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