In Renaming Airport, City Council
Praises Nader As Visionary Leader

ONEONTA – A motion to rename the city airport as “Albert S. Nader Regional Airport” in honor of the former mayor praises his “thoughtful foresight” and “patient leadership.”
Common Council is due to act on the resolution when it meets at 7 p.m. Tuesday in City Hall, according to the agenda released this afternoon.
Christened at the time by one local newspaper as “Nader’s Folly,” creation of the airport in 1966 resulted in 30 years of daily passenger service between Oneonta and LaGuardia Airport in New York City.
Lately, the facility is being used for drone-training classes, plugging the local airport into a growing regional network.
In other business Tuesday, Common Council is also considering:
- accepting $240,000 in grant through the office of state Sen. Jim Seward, R-Milford, for lighting, beginning Huntington Memorial Library’s plans to upgrade Library Park.
- approving an inter-municipal agreement that will allow the Oneonta Fire Department to continue providing fire-protection services to 70 percent of the Town of Oneonta, including Southside. This would end a two-year controversy that ended when the Board of Fire Commissioners voted to dissolve.
- adjusting the city’s fire code to allow outdoor fires “under some circumstances” within city limits.